Lando Norris - Daddy does the job

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A/N: Thank you to @ilinca66 for the request. I'm glad you all have baby fever like myself - mine is so bad you don't even wanna know. Hope you all enjoy ! Much love .xx

It was a bitter cold day out in England, I was so glad that the season is over so that Lando will now be home to spend family time with the baby and I. We had a beautiful baby girl who was currently 6 months old, it can be frustrating to take care of her alone for most of the time as Lando is busy racing during the weekends, but I learnt with her around she keeps me busy and I can't say that I miss Lando because she's definitely like her dad.

She can be loud at times, she's playful and friendly with everyone she meets even if she doesn't know them, not forgetting she does the cutest of things that make me laugh at her at times. I can say she's definitely a daddy's girl even when if he's not around as much - I believe he has an influence on her when they're their FaceTime sessions.

I was sound asleep with Lando's head cradled into my neck, his arm around my stomach and our fingers were interlocked. Just then the baby monitor went off and we could hear her crying. Lando then groaned next to me before saying, "Don't worry, I'll get her" he said as he kissed my forehead. "Thank you babe" I said half asleep and went back into my deep slumber.

I then felt his warmth again next to me, I turned my position in bed to face him and pulled him closer to cuddle. "What happened ?" I asked still half asleep. "I think she had a nightmare but she's fine now" he said as he stroked my hair. I rested my head back on his chest as his arms were wrapped around me, if only we could stay like this forever.

I woke up to find no sign of Lando but I didn't panic because I thought he must've been with (Y/D/N). I tied my hair up and did my morning routine before making my way downstairs, I knew they were in the kitchen because I could hear their fits of laughter.

I tried to be as quiet as possible to see what these 2 could be laughing about. Lando was feeding her and pretending that her food was a train which made her giggle at his actions. "Last bite, open wide bubs" he said as he gave her the last spoonful of her food. Which she happily ate it, I walked to where they were, "Can this father-daughter duo get any cuter ? My heart is melting" I said as I placed my hands on my heart.

"Morning love" he laughed as he then gave me quick kiss then got (Y/D/N) out of her high chair. He handed her over to me, "Good morning my angel !" I cooed as I then kissed her cheek. She laid her head on her chest as I carried her around the kitchen. "I hate you both" I said as I watched Lando tidy up her mess. "And why's that ?" He asked in shock.

"You both are so damn cute and I can't stand it. Even when you're not around she still clearly wants you more" I said as I looked down at her playing with the lace of my pyjama top.

"She's a daddy's girl that's for sure" he said as he dried off his hands and stood in front of me. He hadn't even opened his arms to take her but her arms were open to go to him. "I can't believe her" I said as he then took her from my arms whilst I shook my head.

"I can't wait to have another baby, I hope this time we can have a mama's boy" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm down to have another baby whenever you are, just let me know when so I can drop her off at either of our parents house" he smirked. "Of course you're ever ready to have alone time" I said as I raised my brows.

"My baby mama needs some loving too" he said as we walked back to our room. He laid her down on the bed with us laying on either side of her. "Would you like a baby brother or sister ?" I asked as I looked down at her. She looked up at the 2 of us before rolling over and crawling over to the pillow.

"You don't know what that means yet" I laughed. She laid her head on the pillow as she had her finger in her mouth whilst looking at the both of us. "Are you down for sexy time tonight ?" Lando asked as he leaned on his elbow and looked at me. I turned from looking at (Y/D/N) to Lando, "Excuse me ?" I asked as if I heard incorrectly.

"You heard me" he smirked. "What about this one ?" I asked as my gaze flicked to (Y/D/N) still looking at us. "She can stay over at my parents house tonight, I'm sure they'd love to have their granddaughter over" he said as he then moved to lean himself over me.

His eyes flicked between my eyes and lips before slowly leaning in, "Not in front of her" I said as I looked back to see her crawling to us. He nuzzled his face into my neck as he placed small kisses along my neck and on my collar bone. She sat upright next to us as she looked at us, I watched as her small hands tapped Lando on his back. "Looks like she wants some loving too" I said which he turned to look at her beside us. He got off me and stood up as he took her into his arms, "Baby you're killing the romance between mummy and daddy" he said as he walked around the room with her.

"Don't tell her that" I rolled my eyes. "You guys need to stop being cute" I said as I held myself up on my elbows and watched him carry her around the room. "You won't be calling me cute tonight" he grinned.

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