Max Verstappen - Bet gone wrong

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A/N: Requested by @F1_mendes . Hope you all enjoy as always. Much love .xx

Its been 3 weeks since Max caught me by surprise by asking me out on a date after being best friends for almost 5 years.

I was flattered that he asked me out because I never thought he saw me that way. But lowkey I was over the moon because I caught feelings and well it couldn't be more fitting than this moment.

Since he was at home this weekend, he messaged me that tonight we should go out for dinner but we're going to a cute diner so theirs no need to dress up formally. I had a shower after getting done with work for the day, did a minimal makeup look and then quickly straightened my hair.


After getting dressed, I grabbed my purse along with my phone and made my way downstairs to where my mum was in the kitchen

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After getting dressed, I grabbed my purse along with my phone and made my way downstairs to where my mum was in the kitchen.

"Oh you're looking cute, where are you off to ?" She asked when she saw me at the doorway of the kitchen. "Thank you ! I have a date" I smiled proudly. "Another with Max ?" She asked as she raised her brows. "Yepp you got that right" I said as I leaned against the kitchen counter whilst watching her busy cooking.

"Glad someone has taken interest in you" she said as she nudged me with her elbow and winked. "Haha very funny mum" I shook my head. "I'm just kidding. He's a sweet boy, I really like him and you both look great together" she smiled at me whilst holding me by my shoulders. "You're just saying that" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I agree with her, especially the last part" said a familiar voice. I looked back and speak of the devil. "Max what a pleasant surprise !" Mum said as she walked over to him. "You just came in without knocking ?" I asked dumbfounded. "It's fine, he's practically family" my mum said as she looked back at me briefly and then turned to him which he kissed her cheek.

I simply shook my head. "Is their a problem Miss (Y/L/N) ?" He asked as he then walked towards me. "We were having a private conversation, you weren't supposed to hear that" I pursed my lips with my arms still folded. "Well it doesn't matter now because your mum is right" he said as he smiled at me before grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it. "A very gentleman move, you're forgiven" I said impressed. He chuckled, "You look cute by the way, ready to go ?"

"Aww thank you and yepp I am" I nodded my head. "Okay great then lets get going" he said as he held my hand and pulled me along with him. "Byeee, see yah later" I said as I quickly hugged my mum goodbye. "I'll be sure to bring her back safely" He smiled and waved her off as we walked out.

He held the passenger door of his car for me before going over to the drivers side. As we were on our way the music played softly in the background. "I'm glad we're doing something different" I said as I glanced at him. "Me too" he smiled as he looked at me briefly before looking back at the road.

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