Lewis Hamilton - Happy Anniversary

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A/N: Thank you to @ilinca66 for this request. Hope you all enjoy since this is long af. The next 7 requests are just going to be smut so I hope you all are ready for that. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

It was the Singapore GP weekend and I was so glad to finally see Lewis this weekend as it's our 2 year anniversary. We've been through a few ups and downs this year but we still stayed strong together, their was a time where we were near a break up but I'm glad we made it work out.

I packed the shortest of clothes for the blazing heat, gosh I'm not ready to get sick in a few days and I'm hoping this time my immune system is strong.

When I arrived in Singapore I took a cab to his hotel - little does he know I'm here as a surprise, I lied to him that I couldn't make it because of my work load - thanks to Angela I had his room details and she also managed to get me a spare key.

Luckily the race is in the evening so I wouldn't miss anything, I had to come on the race day to make it more believable that I wasn't going to come. It was currently 2pm, I unlocked his room door and padded softly through the hallway. I peeked from the corner to catch him sleeping and well I don't want to disturb him so I might as well kill some time. I dropped my luggage and thought of heading to the pool, I've always heard about the pool too at the Marina Bay Sands and now I finally get to witness it for myself.

I changed into my swimsuit and threw on a kimono before going upstairs to the pool top. It was quite busy as everyone wants to soak up as much of the sun as possible. Since I don't get much sunlight back home, I'm going to take full advantage of it now and just catch a tan while I can.

I was laying down on my front so that my back could get tanned first but just then my notification went off. I unlocked my phone to see a text from Lewis.

My Boi

Where are you ?

You're up already ?

Don't avoid the question, I know you're here

I'll see you in a few .xx

I locked my phone and got back up on my feet to go back to his room. I unlocked the door and screamed as I entered the room, "Happy Anniversary Lew !"

He came out from the bathroom half naked, his lips curled into a smile when he saw me. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I hate you" he murmured as his head laid at the crook of my neck.
"No you don't" I said as I then released from our hug and then looked at him. "I really thought I wasn't going to see you on our anniversary and I was about to send out a bunch of gifts for you, that was until I saw your bags" he said as his eyes glanced behind me. "Not like I was trying to hide that, I just thought you needed some rest because of the time difference and stuff" I said as I pursued my lips.

"You should've called me the second you landed" he said as he then pulled me closer towards him. "Now that wouldn't be a surprise babe" I said as I tilted my head to the side. He glanced between my eyes and my lips before connecting our lips together after so long. "Happy Anniversary baby" he murmured against my lips. I broke away from our kiss because I sure know where this will go if we continue. "Congrats on pole by the way, I know I messaged you yesterday about it but I just thought I'd say it again" I smiled. "Well, it would be an amazing end to the weekend if I win and we celebrate after" he wiggled his eyebrows. "Sounds like a plan, Hamilton" I said before pecking his nose.

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