Charles Leclerc - Celebration

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A/N: Requested by @emz353 ! Hope you enjoy it. Be sure to comment and vote for more imagines. Much love .xx

Warnings: Language & Slight smut

It was a break after the race in Monza, I was currently at home tidying up the house for my mum whilst she was out grocery shopping.

I sighed in relief once I was finally finished and went through my social media to find numerous notifications. I saw Charles name pop up throughout most of my notifications, I started to worry as I wondered if something bad happened to him. Before opening Charles messages I went onto the F1 app to see breaking news that Kimi Räikkönen will no longer be racing for Ferrari in the 2019 season but rather for Sauber. Above that breaking news was that Charles will be racing for Ferrari in the 2019 season.

I screamed in excitement as I was so proud and happy for him, I ignored his messages and decided to phone him instead.

"OMG babe I'm so so happy for you. Congratulations ! I'm so proud honestly" I screamed into the phone. He laughed on the other side of the line as he can probably imagine how I'm reacting. "Thanks babe. I'm so happy. I sent you so many messages and waited to hear your reaction. This is surreal" he smiled. "Aww, well you deserve it since you work so hard. I was busy cleaning up so that's why I didn't get to reply sooner. I really miss you..." I said the last sentence lowly.

"I miss you too baby. How about this ? Lets celebrate ! Just the 2 of us in Maldives, how does that sound ?" He asked. "Sounds like a dream to me" I cooed. "Well, then pack your bags because we're going away for a week. The trip is on me, I'll send you the details for our trip in a few" he said lastly and ended the call.

I headed straight to my closet and started to pack my bag for the week away. Luckily it was easy to pack my bag since their were more bikinis and sundresses, only a few dresses were packed for the evening.

After finally packing my bag, I got a message from Charles saying that our flight is booked for tomorrow. We both will be meeting in Maldives, he will be flying out from Monaco whilst I was flying out from my home country.

I printed out the booking details and called it a day, I needed to sleep early because I can never sleep on flights.

Next Morning

I woke up at 6am as it was an international flight and was needed to be in the airport by 10. I packed my main supplies at last minute as it had to be used after having a shower. I dressed casually since I prefer comfort over beauty. I called for an Uber as I grabbed my backpack and suitcase. I waved my mum off and stood outside as I waited for an Uber.

As I reached the airport I checked in my suitcase, went through security, immigration and then decided to eat before going to my gate. I grabbed a coffee and donut for my breakfast.

Walking towards the gate, I sighed in relief as they already started to board and I couldn't stand to wait for another hour or deal with a delayed flight. Once I was seated I sent Charles a message saying that I can't wait to see him and that my flight is boarding. I switched my phone off and surprisingly hadn't realised I fell off to sleep.

As we landed in Maldives, I had to take a boat to the resort which luckily was not hard for me to find. Since travelling for many hours, it was now in the evening in Maldives. I switched my phone back on to see that Charles was already at the resort and he was just waiting for me.

I went to the front desk and gave Charles details in which they escorted me to his room. I unlocked the door handle as I yelled,"Babe you here ?" in hopes that he didn't walk off. I then felt a wet embrace from behind which I was met with Charles face. "I missed you so much" he whispered into my ear as he left a trail of kisses on the side of my neck.

I turned around to see that all he had on was a towel wrapped around his waist. I ignored the fact that my clothes were wet since I was going to have a shower anyway, I placed my lips onto
his as I missed the feeling of his lips on mine. "Tonight we shall celebrate" I murmured against his lips as I left his embrace. "I'm looking forward to it" he smirked. "Are we going out ?" I asked as he walked towards his clothes laid out on the bed.

"Yeah I was thinking we could have dinner and then head to a club over here" he said. I nodded my head, "Okay then I'll go get ready and hopefully we'll be out in the next hour" I said and grabbed my suitcase to place onto the bed. He simply nodded and went into changing.


I did a plain and simple make up look, and left my natural wavy hair down

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I did a plain and simple make up look, and left my natural wavy hair down. As I stepped out of the bathroom in my black heels I heard a whistle. I blushed as I looked up to meet eyes with Charles. "Drop dead gorgeous might I say, if you're not hungry we can honestly stay in because I don't mind having you for dinner" he smirked.

"Watch the tongue babe, whether you like it or not we're going out. End of story" I said as I linked arms with his as we walked to the restaurant. Charles and I ate light since it was late, and to be honest I wasn't hungry but their was no way I was going to stay in doing nothing on our first night here so we might as well go out.

After eating we headed to the club, we headed straight to the bar and we had a few shots just to let loose. I grabbed Charles hand and guided him to the middle of the dance floor, as packed as the club was it felt as if we were the only 2 in the room. I turned around as my back faced him, I attempted to dance as sexily as possibly.

I was grinding against his crotch as I felt a bulge press against my thigh. As I bent down I felt one of his hands placed on my hip whilst his other hand glided down my back to my butt cheek. I gasped at his touch and next thing I knew he turned me around to face him. "Unless you want to celebrate here, I suggest you stop doing that" he said into my ear. I felt a shiver go down my spine at the thought of Charles getting angry at me, boy was this going to get hot.

"I don't know what you're taking about" I yelled back innocently. He raises his eyebrows as he probably thought to himself 2 can play at that game. I continued to dance as I did, but this time as I bent down I felt his hand trail from my thigh to under my dress. His hand grabbed my butt cheek and moved towards the front of my underwear. Just as he could get any closer, I turned around stopping him from going further as I gave him a stern look, "Don't start what you can't finish" I said.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said as he smirked. Ohh I see how it is. I continued dancing again and this time felt his hand reach closer towards my core. "Fuck this" I said as I pulled his hand and stormed off from the club to our room.

He grinned to himself as he followed closely behind me. He shut the door behind us as he pushed me towards the bed and laid on top of me. "Now you know how I felt 15 minutes ago with the way you were grinding against me. You said I shouldn't start what I can't finish, well just watch me finish you" he smirked.

A/N: My gosh this is probably the dirtiest lines I've ever written, I hope that god forgives me for such things.

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