Lewis Hamilton - #11

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A/N: Requested by @ilinca66 . Probably one of my faves to write. Hope you all enjoy it. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

11. "Hold my so people know we're dating."

From a young age I've always dreamt of becoming an actress, making it somewhere in the entertainment industry which my parents didn't have much hope for since you're either in it by sleeping with a famous director or doing some other ridiculous thing that is out of my comfort zone.

They would've preferred if I got into something business related and possibly become an entrepreneur, my parents believed in me becoming one since I never gave up, I was creative and I'd like to believe I have the qualities of a leader but I wasn't too keen.

As I got older my parents had seen the potential I had to make it in the entertainment industry, I'm quite the drama queen and very expressive, I would take part in a lot of school plays - I always had the role lead - I also got a lot of positive feedback from others so I thought to myself that this could actually work out in the future.

A friend of mine had messaged me recently about auditions for a movie in the city. I was over joyed when I heard about it, now is my time to shine. My parents were very supportive of my decision, I guess it just grew on them and they saw my talent.

After auditioning it all went as the casting director was happy with my performance and praised me for my acting skills. I was told that I would find out in 3 days whether or not I got the role, now we leave this in the hands of god.

3 days later, I was pacing back and forth in the lounge as my nerves began to get to me. Today is the day...if I get this then I'm ever so grateful to god but, if I don't then I won't give up. I just got to keep trying no matter what. You gotta fight for what you believe in. "Calm down, you're going to get the part" my mum said as she stepped into the lounge. "I can't calm down until I find out from the casting director himself !" I said as I then sat down on the couch and held my head in my hands. She sat down next to me as she rubbed my back in circles, just then my phone started ringing.

I stood up in shock and was quick to answer the call without checking the caller ID, it can only be one person.

I started screaming after I ended the call, it could only mean one thing. "You got the part ?" my mum asked with a smile. I nodded my head as I started to jump in excitement. "I have to get going" I said as I grabbed my purse and was walking towards the door. "Where are you going ?" She asked confused. "The casting director said to meet him and his team at their office for some conditions thing before I start" I yelled out as I walked through the front door. "Don't do something out of your comfort zone" she yelled out after me.

"So what's this all about ?" I asked as I was seated in front of the casting director and other staff members. "Well, we need to build your image before you start in the entertainment industry. I have a proposition for you, it's your choice if you want to do it or not" the casting director named, Todd said. "Okay, I'm interested" I said as I crossed my legs over. "We know of a very big celebrity whose team is interested in gaining him some media attention, all you have to do is fake date him or well be seen with him from time to time" Todd said casually. "That's it ?" I asked stunned. "Yepp it's as simple as that" he said. "And who is this big celebrity you're talking about ?" I asked as I raised a brow. He shared a look with his team before the woman seated next to him smiled, "Lewis Hamilton" she said. WHAT ?

I was in shock. Excited, nervous and gosh just a whole lot of mixed emotions. Of all people it's Lewis damn Hamilton. This is going to be worse for me since he's one of my celeb crushes. Nevertheless, I calmly signed the contract of agreement and was scheduled to fly out tomorrow to Paris where we will first be seen together.

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