Charles Leclerc - Cuddle Weather

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A/N: Thank you @emz353 for the request. ❤️ Please don't forget to vote & comment. Also thank you so much for 3k. Enjoy ! Xx

It was currently race day here in Austin, Texas. Little did Charles know I was coming out to surprise him this weekend. I managed to come up with an excuse that I can't make it due to studying and he was understanding but at the same time disappointed.

Unfortunately due to the different temperatures and travelling, I've fallen ill which is not ideal right now. Although I may have taken medication to better my illness, it hasn't changed much as I still continue to cough, have a runny nose and teary eyes.

Just when he was getting ready for the race, his PR picked me up from the entrance and escorted me through the paddock. Just as we reached the garage I greeted the familiar faces and warned them not to tell Charles I was here as it would ruin the surprise. I wasted some time walking around the paddock as I waited for him to leave for the track with his crew.

Once he finally left I got back into the garage and was offered headphones to wear for the duration of the race.

It was just the end of the formation lap, Charles is in P9. Once the 5 red lights were out, I could already feel my hands start to sweat and my heart rate increasing. It was only the first lap into turn 1 and Grosjean had collided into Charles. I held my head in my hands and just shook in disappointment, poor baby.

He had damage to his car but he continued to race. It was now lap 33 and I could hear his engineer on the radio telling him to box as they would be retiring the car. I shook my head yet again as poor Charles can't have a decent race. I could hear the sadness in his voice and right now he could clearly use a hug.

Just as they brought his car into the garage, he jumped out and removed his helmet then handed it to his PR, just when he turned to face me his frown turned into a smile as he ran over and engulfed me in a tight hug. "Hello to you too" I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're just the person I wanted to see, I can't believe you're here !" He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Well, surprise ! Thought I'd be here to watch you live in action" I said. "Yeah..." He said as his voice dropped. We released from our hug as I stared into his eyes, "Don't feel bad, it's not your fault okay" I said to reassure him. He gave me a small smile and nodded his head. He pulled me with him to his drivers room as he had to change.

Just as he took off his balaclava I hadn't realised I was thinking out loud, "Ugh that helmet hair...fuck me." He turned around and looked at me in shock. "Omg I'm sorry, did I think out loud again ? Damn this is so embarrassing" I said as I covered my face with my hands.

"We sadly can't do it now babe because I have to watch the race but I have a few minutes to spare so" he said as he smirked and was about to grab my face in his hands. I stopped him, "We can't, I'm sick and then I'm going to make you sick" I frowned. "You're sick ? Why didn't you tell me earlier, I would've sent you out here sooner so I can take care of you. You know your sick yet you're only wearing a sweater" he began to show his protective side. I rolled my eyes at his reaction, "I'm fine Charles, really" I said and just then I began to cough.

He raised his eyebrows at me, "Yeah you're clearly fine" he said as he rolled his eyes back at me. He handed me his team jacket to wear, "No arguing, wear it otherwise you're going to get even more sick. Have you taken your medication ? Have you been to the doctor ? How long have you been sick ?" He asked as he threw numerous questions my way.

"Calm down, you're acting like my mum, this just started and I haven't seen a doctor but I've been taking medication. Hope that answers all your questions and shall I say again that I'm fine" I said as I caressed his hands in reassurance. He held my hand and walked back to the garage, "I have to go for now, I have interviews and have to talk to the crew to get updates. I hope you'll be okay here, if not then just sit in my drivers room actually wait I'll call my PR to keep you company" he said and just then he called his PR.

"Please watch her and make sure she's okay because she's sick, I have to go" he said to her lastly before walking towards the pit wall. As his PR and I were waking out of the garage. He stopped midway of walking to the pit wall to run towards me. He turned me around and pecked my lips. "Love you" He said and turned around to walk towards the pit wall again. "You're going to get sick, Leclerc" I yelled as I felt heat rush to my cheeks. "Not if it was just a peck and I also don't care" he turned and winked at me.

Well, I guess our night is going to be all about cuddles, cuddles and guess what ? More cuddles.

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