Sebastian Vettel - A dreamy race weekend (Part 2)

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A/N: You guys asked for it, now it's here ! Not many of you may have asked for sexy time but I'm giving it to you guys, consider it 1 of many Christmas presents. Enjoy & don't forget to vote and comment .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

I still remember how our first date went, it was cute and a lot of flirting, it felt like a dream because I never thought I'd see that day coming. Seb is indeed a charmer and little did I know he'd ask me on many other dates later that we'd now end up becoming a couple. It seems surreal to think about it because I just started off as a fan at the paddock and now I'm his girlfriend. This is just crazy.

It was just after the Austria GP and everyone knew his birthday was coming up, so I suggested we had dinner with his family in London in celebration of his birthday and also for having a podium finish on the weekend.

London was perfect as it is a happening city and we were staying there ahead of the British GP. Whilst Seb had offered to drop his family off at the restaurant, I was still getting ready back at the hotel. As I my hair was already done, I was just finishing off my makeup until I got a notification from Seb which I replied back to before continuing.

Seb ('your husband') ❤️

I'm 10 mins away from you, are you ready ?

Don't drive too fast, I'd like you to come fetch me in one piece and I should be ready by the time you fetch me.

You should know by now that you can't tell a racer not to drive too fast Liebe.

Btw I have a surprise for you, would you like to see it now or later ?

Now would be nice since you got me curious.

Surprise !

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Surprise !

He surprisingly saw the message and hadn't replied back. I decided to put my dress on and then spray on some perfume before hearing a knock at our room door, it could only be Seb so I grabbed my purse before answering.


I was greeted with Seb's presence, "Hey handsome !" I said before giving him a quick kiss

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I was greeted with Seb's presence, "Hey handsome !" I said before giving him a quick kiss. "I hate you but you look gorgeous" He said as he turned his face. "What did I do wrong ? I asked innocently, then linked my arm with his as we walked to the elevator. He decided to ignore what I said as he asked, "Are you wearing it now ?" as he leaned against the glass opposite me in the elevator whilst biting his lip.

"Maybe this might answer your question" I smirked as I reached underneath my dress to remove my underwear. I took a step forward then placed my underwear into his pocket as he watched me in shock. He placed both of his hands beside me as he trapped me between him and the glass. "I can finish you here if you'd like" he whispered into my ear. Just then the elevator doors opened, "Looks like you're going to have to wait until later babe" I said before walking out and leaving him sexually frustrated.

He lead me to the car as he opened the door for me before getting into the drivers side. The drive was quiet as soft music played in the background, that was until Seb placed his hand on my thigh. "Don't even think about it" I said in a serious tone. "I'd like to see you stop me" he looked at me briefly before looking back at the road ahead. His hand trailed higher up my thigh before stopping at my inner thigh as I crossed my legs. "Nice try" He said as the car came to a stop.

He guided me through the restaurant as he walked behind me with his hands on my hips. Handsy. I spotted his family seated at a nearby table, I greeted Stephanie, Melanie, Fabian, Papa Norbert and Mama Heike before taking a seat next to Seb. I decided to let him order for me since I'm so indecisive and I was too into the conversation with his mum, and sisters.

Just as the food arrived and I was about to take in my first bite, his hand was back on my thigh. I really caused it for myself. I dropped the fork and gave him a look which he innocently asked, "What ?" as he smiled. "You know what you're doing. Let me finish eat the damn food in peace" I said lowly enough for him to hear then taking a bite into my food.

"I'd rather eat you" he whispered into my ear which sent shivers down my spine and caused me to choke on my food. "Are you okay ?" Stephanie asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I said as I then sipped on my water. As he began eating, I thought 2 could play at that game. I placed my hand on his thigh which he gave me a look but I pretended that I hadn't noticed. My hand travelled up his thigh to his crotch as I palmed him through his jeans. He tried to remain calm but it was clear that he was finding it hard. Luckily his family was busy in their own conversation so they couldn't noticed. "You're finished tonight" he said as he glanced at me.

He soon grew a tent in his pants which was going to be hard to hide but I couldn't care. As we were about to leave, Seb made sure to greet his parents with me in front of him to cover up his pants. When we were out of sight and back in the car he was clearly upset.

"That wasn't nice what you did back there, Liebe" he said as we drove back to the hotel. I didn't say anything as I pressed my lips together. "I'm going to have to punish you" he said lastly before pulling up at the hotel. He hurriedly jogged to open my door and held my hand as he pulled me with him in the elevator.

When we finally got to our floor, he unlocked our room door and pushed me up against the wall as he placed his lips against mine hungrily. As we walked backwards towards the bed, I removed my shoes and tossed my purse to the corner. He pushed me onto the bed as he leaned over me. His hand traveled up my thigh to the hem of my dress as he tugged on it to pull it over my head. My fingers had tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck, I then gasped as I felt his fingers brush over my folds again.

Without warning he inserted his finger inside me as he pumped at a fast pace. "Oh gosh Seb" I said as I leaned my head back against the bed. He trailed kisses along my neck and down to my cleavage. He then inserted another finger inside me which made me cry out from pain and pleasure. "I'm so close Seb" I huffed which he removed his fingers. "Not anymore" he said as he removed his shirt and tossed it to the side. He then removed my bralette before placing love bites on my breasts. "Just fuck me already, Seb" I yelled in frustration.

"This is your punishment, you have to be patient, Liebe" he said as he placed his fingers at my folds again as he massaged me. "This is torture" I said as I grabbed onto the sheets of the bed. He then stopped what he was doing to unbuckle his pants and tossed it across the room. He then let his member free and slid himself along my folds to tease me. "Just get in me already !" I shouted. He looked at me briefly as he smirked before thrusting into me. I let out a scream that I tried to hold but couldn't keep it in any longer.

His pace got faster and I was getting nearer to reaching my high. "Seb I'm really close" I cried. "Hold it until I tell you to" he said as he then placed his forehead against mine. "Seb I can't hold it" I said as I scratched along his back. "Just wait" he yelled in frustration. "Now !" He said before releasing himself inside of me. "Oh my goodness" I heaved. He then pulled me with him under the sheets as he placed his head on my shoulder with his arm wrapped around my torso.

I turned around to face him, "Happy Birthday baby" I said as I pecked his nose. "Couldn't have been better" he said as his eyes trailed from mine to my lips before connecting our lips as the familiar sparks went off.


A/N: omg...this was my first time writing smut, what do you guys think ? Please let me know in the comments .xx

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