Lewis Hamilton - Behind the Scenes

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A/N: Requested by TheDremar . Hope you babes enjoy. Last one shot until I open requests again by the end of this weekend. Be sure to comment & vote. Much love .xx

Warning : Language & NSFW

Lewis was scheduled to go for a photo shoot for his Tommy Hilfiger x Lewis collection here in London. Since I was staying with him in London for a while as we're both on a break, I decided to tag along to his photo shoot because I'm eager to see his work - which I'm sure must be amazing - and I get to see the boy model.

When we entered the studio everything was already set up, I believe they were just waiting for the main man so they can actually get started. The studio lights were set up in front of the coloured backdrop, a rack filled with different outfits for him to change into, hair and makeup artists were waiting to get started whilst music was being played to keep everyone busy, and in a happy mood.

As he went to change into his first outfit, I decided to sit on a chair alongside the set up, I scrolled through my phone to kill some time before I heard commotion going on. Everyone had rushed to Lewis's side to get him ready, he sat on a chair in front of the mirror as the hair and make up artists got to work on him. I crossed my legs over as I shifted my attention to him. He looks so damn good ugh.

I watched attentively as he pulled off different poses with each outfit that he had to try on. Eventually I was getting tired of watching and at this point of time I was sexually frustrated. When he had to go change into his next outfit, I excused myself as I walked towards his dressing room.

I snuck in quietly which he hadn't noticed until I believe he felt my presence behind him. He turned around to stop me in my tracks, "Surprised to see you here" he said as he adjusted the collar of his orange jacket and coat. "I was getting bored, you were entertaining me so I needed to see you again" I said as I bit my lip and walked closer to him. "I know what you're thinking, don't even try it" he said warningly as he shoved his hands into the pocket of his sweat pants. "Do you ?" I asked in a lower voice as I took another step closer to him, only a few inches of space between us. "I know you probably better than you know yourself" he said.

I raised my brows as I was impressed. "Is that so ?" I asked as I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. He nodded his head as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. "What do you think
I want ?" I asked as my eyes glanced between his eyes and his lips. Our lips were inches apart, "Me" he said lowly as he looked at my lips. "I guess you do know me that well after all" I grinned as I slowly leaned in.

He then placed a finger on my lip, "Not now though babe" he said as he loosened his grip on me. "But I want you" I pouted. Just then their was a knock at the door, "Lewis, are you ready ?" A woman's voice called. "Yeah I'll be out now" he yelled. I gave him a look before muttering, "I really hate you" as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'll make it up to you later, I promise" he said as he then kissed my forehead and walked out of the dressing room.

After the photo shoot was done, we went back to his apartment in silence. As soon as the front door shut he yelled, "Now I'm all yours." I simply ignored him and walked ahead of him to his room. "Now what's wrong ?" He asked as he followed me to his bedroom. "Nothing" I said plainly as I kicked off my heel, laid down on the bed and started scrolling through my phone. "You're lying, something had ticked you off" he said as he stood at the edge of the bed in front of me. "I'm just not in the mood anymore" I said as I didn't bother to look at him. "Oh, is that so ?" He mocked my words from earlier. I briefly glanced at him before looking back at my phone. "Well, I'm going to make you in the mood" he said as he pulled me to the edge of the bed by my ankles.

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