Max Verstappen - Want you back

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A/N: Requested by @bluzklus ! Hope you babes enjoy .xx

"I can do whatever I want, we're not dating, remember?"

"You moved on, so did I"

Its been little over 2 months since Max and I had broke up. All this time I didn't mind his temper and complaining since I was used to it for the past 3 years but since the start of this season its gotten worse.

All he cares about is winning the championship since he's now the first driver for Redbull, don't get me wrong that I too would love to see him win the WDC but I can't tolerate it when he spends 'us' time by practicing on his simulator and playing FIFA all day.

Its as if I'm just an object, he doesn't show affection anymore and well he no longer cares about my personal life, it's always about him.

I thought it would be the best for the both of us to go our separate ways, maybe he just wasn't the one for me. Or so I thought.

I hate how since the day we broke up he somehow creeps back into my life, the simplest of things reminded me of him and it was honestly driving me insane since I was trying my best to move on.

I needed a distraction. The best distraction I could possibly get is to just move on. About 3 weeks ago I met a guy named, Luca. I was introduced to him by one of my friends and we seemed to click instantly since our first encounter. He made me laugh and he was certainly charming, we've been out together occasionally but nothing too major happened yet.

Since being on a 3 month break from campus, the best way to kill my time is to go on a holiday. France is the destination I picked, it's expected to be busy this weekend as it's Paris Fashion Week and not forgetting, the French GP.

I of course had no intention to go for the race this weekend since I don't have a reason to go anymore. I still watch the races since my love for the sport hasn't died, just one driver in particular broke my heart.

Caterina insisted on me coming along this weekend for the race as a guest on Pierre's behalf. Pierre himself even budged into the conversation whilst we were FaceTiming to try and convince me. "Guys, as much as I love and miss you both, you know that theirs no way I can come to the race this weekend" I pouted.

"Don't worry about him, just stay with me and he won't come near you. Also, he won't notice you on Pierre's side of the garage" Caterina smiled. "Nice try but I'm sure I'll bump into him anyway" I sighed. "Why don't you both just talk it out ?" Pierre suggested. "Sounds easy but I haven't spoken to him since the day we broke up. I'm not ready to have yet another breakdown if I see him, the further I am away from him the better it is for me" I said.

"Lowkey wish you guys get back together already, this is becoming an issue for us to see you" Caterina whined. "Don't know about that but I'll try to make the effort to see you guys, how does Friday evening sound ?" I asked. "Perfect !" Caterina smiled. "Okay great ! Just send me your hotel room details and I shall see you'll then" I beamed.

"Sure thing no worries" Pierre said as he typed away on his phone. "Anyways, I have to go now. Hope your free practice sessions go well tomorrow. Love you guys and see y'all tomorrow" I waved. "Love you too !" Caterina yelled. "Thanks (Y/N/N) ! See you" Pierre waved back before the call ended.

This always sucks after a break up, the struggle of meeting up with friends without having to bump into your ex. A real struggle.

After a productive Friday afternoon shopping, I left my stuff back at my hotel room before driving to their hotel. To my luck it was really quiet, I was quite relieved since I don't want any familiar faces noticing me.

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