Are You Pregnant?

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Camryns.The.Besson |

Hours later, and I'm finally here. See you soon, little brother!

Tagged: @CorbynBesson | Liked by @JonahMarais and 936,873 others

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She was exhausted from the flight to California since she'd had her college graduation that same day, something she was keeping a secret from her brother until she arrived. Her green eyes were dark underneath but there seemed to be no other sign of sleeplessness for her look was perfectly intact. She finally reached the baggage claim after thirty minutes of waiting and weaving through crowds, hoisting a duffle bag on her shoulder to overlap her backpack, a large suitcase in one hand and a carry-on sized one in the other. Pulling them behind her, she moved quickly out the front of the airport and was going to head for one of the cabs but stopped when she heard her name.

"Camryn!" Her head whipped around to look at her little brother, a grin taking over her face. Camryn dropped her bags when she got close to Corbyn and took a running leap into his arms. He spun her in a circle, laughing at her surprised state. "I saw your post and figured we should be the ones to pick you up." Camryn furrowed her thick brows at her brother, tilting her head in confusion.


She'd met them all before, and kept in touch with Daniel and Jonah the most, but it'd been a year since Camryn had seen the Why Don't We boys. Jonah hugged her first, the oldest of the group, with a grin on his face as he playfully nudged her shoulder. Then came Daniel, who swung her around and babbled about things he'd already told her. Zach shot her a smile and hugged her lightly, telling her it was nice to see her again.

But then there he was.

Jack Avery.

She knew she'd see him, she was moving in with the band for god's sake. But Camryn didn't think it would hit her that hard. He was the one she'd fallen hard for the year before. The one who convinced her she should show the world her singing. The one who taught her how to skate. Their relationship a complete secret to everyone except Daniel and Jonah. But most of all, he was the one who broke her heart.

Camryn, ever so good at hiding the way she truly felt, stepped forward with a fake smile and gingerly wrapped her arms around Jack. She ignored the way his curls brushed her cheek, or how she could feel his muscles through his clothes. She fought the urge to breath deeper the scent of sandalwood and vanilla bean, his scent that she used to steal his shirts just to smell. No, instead she pulled away before he could even return the hug and turned back to her brother who was picking up her bags.

She'd never been a damsel, helpless, and Corbyn knew that but he also knew Camryn was exhausted. So without a second thought, he heaved her luggage into the SUV and climbed into the driver's seat. Zach sat in the passenger's seat, Daniel and Jonah taking the middle seats without thinking, which left Camryn in the back with Jack. One of the seats had been folded down as to make room for Camryn's luggage, so that would leave her in the middle seat, glued to his side. "Oh shit, here-" Daniel looked back to see why Camryn hadn't sat down, his eyes widening in realization as he went to stand but got shot down by her.

"It's fine, I have to," Camryn whispered it to Daniel, patting him on the shoulder in a way that made Jack clench his jaw, something that went unmissed by Jonah. Turning to sit down, Camryn didn't get a chance to before Corbyn lurched the car forward and sent her flying into Jack's lap. His arms automatically tightened around her in a makeshift seatbelt, a small gasp escaping her lips. Everyone else was to occupied by the blasting music to pay attention to the scene in the darkness of the back seats.

Camryn scrambled out of Jacks lap, not missing the small groan in her ear that sent chills down her spine when she brushed against him roughly. Both of their cheeks were red tinged when she finally got in her seat and wordlessly handed him the blanket from beside her to hide what she knew was happening in his jeans. "So, um, how've you been?"

The look she gave Jack was one of pure bitterness, one that made him frown in memory. "I've been fucking great, and I owe a large part of that to you. Know why? I wrote some great songs because of how bad you hurt me." Camryn ignored the way he flinched at her words and stared straight ahead, shouting the lyrics to whatever song came on while Jack stared at his hands.

A little while later they arrived at the house, Daniel and Jonah making a silent agreement to let Camryn climb out before them. Corbyn had led Camryn to her new bedroom and helped her put her bags in there before everyone met in the living room. She stood in front of the tv awkwardly for a moment, rubbing her palms together. "So, I guess it's probably time I told you guys some big news." Corbyn automatically jumped up, pointing a finger at her.

"Are you pregnant?" Two people choked simultaneously, Jack, on his lemonade and Camryn on air. She glared at her brother, giving him a wtf look. "No! Dumbass," Pinching the bridge of her nose as Corbyn sat back down, Camryn took another breath. "I've been going to Julliard for the past few years below the radar," And only your best friend knows. "and yesterday I graduated."

The room was silent and for a moment Camryn thought she'd pissed everyone off. After all, she'd kept one hell of a secret for four years. But then the room erupted into shouts of happiness, everyone except Jack hoisting her into the air on their shoulders. Camryn locked eyes with Jack from his seat on the couch, the empty promise he made wafting through their minds.

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