Fun To Do

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"The bride and groom would like you to join them on the floor for their first dance!"
You couldn't help but watch as Bailee and Zach approached the dance floor, moving in perfect harmony. Her dress sweeped gracefully across the wood, somehow managing not to get stepped on by his clumsy feet. He held onto her waist tightly, her fingers intertwined behind his neck. Their foreheads rested together, eyes locked lovingly.

"Care to dance, my love?" Jack obscured Camryn's view of the newlyweds, extending his ring-covered hand. Smiling up at him, she slid her left palm inside of his, Jack's thumb brushing over her engagement ring. Daniel was already on the floor with Joey, just like Corbyn and Jonah were with their girlfriends. "You look so gorgeous," His hands encased her waist, pulling her in close.

Every touch felt like the first time, sending heat from under each fingertip. She tangled her hand in his hair, the other resting limply off his shoulder. They swayed from side to side, silently exchanging unsaid words. "You too, handsome." Jack rubbed his nose against hers, lightly brushing their lips together. "So, are you ready for that to be us?"

Camryn grinned, waiting for his answer. "Princess, I can't wait to be married to you," Jack said with a straight face, blinking his long lashes. He released his hold, pushing her away lightly and spinning one finger. She got the notion to twirl, spinning under his arm before going back to their original stance. "Forever and always,"

She laid her head on his chest, their eyes fluttering close in content. A low cry came from their table, Camryn sighing softly. "And that's Mommy's cue," Camryn pecked Jack's lips, the duo walking back to their daughter. "Come on, sweetpea. Let's get you fed," Carrying Lavender out of the room, Camryn found herself in the dressing room. 

"Well, this should be fun to do in a dress."


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Best friends on their honeymoon? Babysitting their son while having a child of your own?

Time for a double stroller and a walk in one of LA's finest malls.

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson | Liked by @ZachHerron and 2,043,428 others

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"No no no-" Camryn lunged forward just as Elijah reached for a coffee mug, grabbing ahold of the ceramic item before it could fall. "Dang, little man. You're just like you're father, you know that? He never grasped the concept of just looking!" She teased the infant, bopping him on the nose. Elijah giggled, causing Lavender, who was right beside him, to do the same. 

"That's 100% true," Jack reappeared with a bag in his hand, containing their dinner. Well, Camryn and Jack's dinner. Elijah and Lavender's lunch was split between Camryn and whatever baby food was in the diaper bag or their cupboard. "Should we stop and get them some more baby food on the way home?"

"You read my mind," She exhaled happily, pushing the double stroller toward their Tesla. "Also, I'm in love with our car. It's been a godsend," Camryn shot Jack a timid smile that made him chuckle. Jack picked up Elijah, Camryn hoisting Lavender, and put them in their car seats. He tossed Camryn the keys, folding up the stroller and placing it in the trunk.

"I knew you'd like it," He slid into the driver's seat of the running car. One hand sliding down to rest on Camryn's thigh, Jack used the other to drive them to the grocery store. "Do you want me to go in?" She glanced back at the infants who were already fast asleep, shaking her head at Jack. "You sure?"

"No, I got it. I'll be quick," Gently closing the car door behind her, she jogged inside the small store. Grabbing a grocery cart, she guided it directly into the baby aisle. "Okay, vegetables first." Camryn tossed in a variety of different vegetables. "Fruits," Mixed fruit flavored baby food joined, anything in between coming up next. "Oh! I should probably grab some diapers," 

Somehow her cart was full by the time she reached the checkout counter. "Ah, first-time mom?" The cashier looked at Camryn, grinning when she nodded her head yes. "They're a lot of work, but they're worth it in the end." Camryn wasn't sure what to say, seeing as she could be a rather awkward person. "Good luck, sweetheart." 

"Thank you," Camryn flashed her a smile, Jack rolling his eyes when he saw how full her cart was. She giggled while loading the bags in the car, climbing inside a few seconds later. "Don't give me that look," Jack chuckled, placing his hand back on Camryn's thigh. Having driven them home, they carried both babies to their nursery's before getting the groceries. 

"Here, I'll put everything away if you want to split up dinner?" Jack offered, receiving a nod from his fiancee. She placed their plates on the kitchen table, grabbing two glasses of water from the fridge. He was just finishing up when she came back, pulling out a chair for her. Camryn flashed a smile, picking up her fork.

"Thanks," She bit the inside of her cheek, swallowing a bite of her mango chicken. "I, uh, was thinking of asking Isla to be a junior bridesmaid?" Jack paused with a fork halfway to his mouth, Camryn flickering her eyes away. "We can put Lav in a wagon and Isla could pull her down the aisle. Sydnie and Ava are already going to be bridesmaids so-"

"Thank you," Jack interrupted her, his eyes lighting up with happiness. "For including them in this, I know they love you." She cocked her head to the side, shrugging to signify it was no big deal. "It means a lot to me, princess." Camryn set her fork down, reaching across the table to grab his hand.

"They mean a lot to me, Jack. Just like you do,"

 Just like you do,"

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Tia Christina gives the cutest pj's!

Tagged: @JackAvery & @BeautyChickee | Liked by @TateDoll and 2,012,029 others

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