An Accessory To Murder

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DanielSeavey |

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DanielSeavey |

The happiest man alive

Tagged: @JoSeavey | Liked by @BaileeHerron and 1,204,539 others

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JoSeavey |

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JoSeavey |

Happy Baby + Happy Mama = An amazing wedding day

Tagged: @DanielSeavey | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 984,292 others

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WhyDontWeMusic |

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WhyDontWeMusic |

Pop some sparkling apple juice for the Seavey family since these two won't be drinking for another 4-5 months.

(In our defense, Camryn and Corbyn made the caption)

Tagged: @JoSeavey & @DanielSeavey | Liked by @MamaSeavey and 2,934,202 others

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