A Way To Wake Up

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To put it simply; Camryn Melanie Besson was in love with her little 'bean'. Corbyn incisively called it that and it seemed to have passed on between the tour mates. One thing that was nice about Bailee having her news out and about was that it didn't look suspicious when Camryn showed up at an OB with her friend. They did, however, have to sneak in Jack through a back door. It was truly miraculous Zach hadn't noticed, but then again, it was Zach we're talking about.

Jonah, Daniel, and Jack would disappear every so often as to not alert suspicion with Corbyn or the others. They usually made the doctors' appointments in the early hours of the morning. It worked out well since Corbyn wasn't a morning person. That being said, neither was Camryn so the boys usually had to bribe her. Today, she'd been handed a mango lemonade and a warm croissant.


Camryn was ten weeks pregnant as of today, making Bailee a little over eighteen weeks. Zach and Bailee, who was starting to show with the cutest tiny baby bump ever, had planned a gender reveal for the concert in New York tomorrow. Jack and Camryn, however, were trying to decide if they wanted to figure out the gender in the doctors' office or in a crowd of their friends.

"The baby looks good, with no signs to be worried. Give yourself a couple of weeks and you guys can find out the gender," Camryn smiled at the Virginian Doctor in front of her, muttering her thanks and getting dressed in her street clothes. Jack helped tie her shoes like he always did.

"I'll see you back at the tour bus, okay?" Jack pressed a kiss to Camryn's forehead, gently squeezing her one last time. "Drive safe," Stating she would, Camryn exited the room to meet up with Bailee and Zach. The trio drove a rental car back to their venue of the night, security letting them in instantly. Jack and the other two always made it back before they did so he could be waiting up in the kitchen area of the tour bus.

Zach and Bailee were toward the front of the bus in their room which left Jack and Camryn with the back mostly to themselves in her room. You think that would make it easy to get caught, but so far when Zach walked in on them cuddling they just played it off as she could only sleep in a certain position. Which was actually true. Daniel or Jonah usually texted whenever Corbyn left though. 

"You alright, princess?" Jack rubbed Camryn's back as she threw up into the toilet, the girl learning not to eat several hours before she had a show. He pressed up against her back in the small bathroom while she brushed her teeth, gently rubbing her stomach. "Thank you," Placing a fresh-breath kiss on his cheek, Camryn led them back to her room and flopped down on her bed. 

He spread his legs out with his back against the headboard, knowing one of the few comfortable ways she could sleep was in between them. Camryn lovingly smiled at Jack, laying back against his chest and breathing him in. As of now they only had around two hours until she had to start getting ready and exhaustion was already working its way into her limbs. Jack noticed and pulled the thin lavender quilt over them both, singing Halsey into Camryn's ear while playing with her hair.

A few minutes later Camryn had fallen asleep in his embrace, Jack following suit himself soon after. An hour and forty five minutes later Joey knocked on the door, not receiving an answer. Smacking herself for what she might see, Joey opened the door to be delightfully relieved at the sleeping couple. "Aww," Joey whipped out her phone and snapped several pictures from different angles. Sliding her phone into her pocket, she slowly crept over and shook Jack awake. "Sorry, she has fifteen minutes to get dressed, take her prenatal's, and get to the trailer. I thought she might take it better from you,"

Jack whispered his thanks, waiting until Joey left. He pressed his lips to her cheek, trailing them down her neck until he reached her collarbone. Camryn moaned quietly, reaching her arm up and hooking Jack to bring him down to her. He smirks into the kiss, tracing her lips with his tongue. She pulled back after a solid thirty seconds, resting her forehead on his with a sleepily pleased smile.

"That was one hell of a way to wake up," Camryn glanced at the clock behind Jack, placing one more lingering kiss to his lips before slowly emerging from her bed. "Can you hand me the prenatal's?" Jack rummaged through his bag for the bottle of pills, pulling two from its container and a bottle of water from her mini-fridge. 

"Here you go, princess." She kissed him quickly in thanks, taking her medicine from his hands and popping them. Black spandex shorts, an oversized NASA t-shirt she'd stolen from Corbyn, grey socks that hit her mid-calf with tiny moons on them, and a pair of black Adidas slides was Camryn's strange but comfy outfit. "You're so adorable," Jack kissed her nose and threw the door open, Joey waiting there with her eyebrow raised.

"Sheesh, you guys make another baby or something? Took ya long enough," Camryn put a finger over Jack's mouth without looking, turning to see him grinning. She laughed at Jack before being pulled out of the bus by Joey, sending him a wink. Bailee was already in the trailer when they arrived, starting on Camryn's makeup as soon as she set down.

Joey straightened Camryn's silky blonde strands until they reached her waist. Bailee contoured Camryn's already angular face, fixed her brows, lined her lips, and gave her a fancy eyeshadow look. When Camryn finally got to the wardrobe trailer their stylist put her in a tight two-piece halter neck black dress with a pair of silver lace-up heels that ended at her mid-thigh. Joey and Bailee pulled her off to the side right before she went on stage, taking a quick picture and whispering in Camryn's ear.

"Jack won't be able to keep his hands off you."

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