Whistle Like A Missile

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(Camryns.The.Besson added to her Instagram story)

Camryns.The.Besson |

Broken Promises + Broken Hearts = Broken People

Retweets: 2,053 | Liked by @TheVamps and 2,343,035 others

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Camryns.The.Besson |

Make 'em whistle like a missile.

Tagged: @AnnaSeavey | Liked by @BaileeMads and 2,345,539 others

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Camryn strut across the room in black heels, her cream off the shoulder dress attracting whistles from various guys. Her hair was done in blown-out waves, glamorous gold makeup on her face. She looked hot and she knew it. Jack had been trying her phone for a week, but she hadn't answered once. She didn't want to hear anything he had to say. Tonight, she just wanted to focus on where she was.

"Camryn, you look amazing!" Anna hugged her tightly, the Seavey girl's art hanging all around them. She'd worked on making clothing, wall art, all types of stuff. It was all beautiful and Camryn was incredibly proud. Daniel had asked Camryn if she'd go in his place to the opening, something she couldn't say no to. "So? What'd you think?"

"It's gorgeous, Anna." Camryn smiled as brightly as she could, Anna seeing right through it. The younger girl squeezed Camryn's hand in reassurance. "Really, I'm so proud of you." Anna pulled her over to a secluded corner of the room, handing Camryn a cup of coffee.

"Have you tried talking to him?" Anna flashed a sympathetic smile, rubbing Camryn's arm. "Maybe he has a reason." Camryn chuckled humourlessly, biting her tongue. She looked up at Anna, smiling fakely.

"He always does."


Her feet ached as she removed the pair of heels, limping inside the house. Bending at an awkward angle to unzip her dress, she reached her bedroom before the task was completed. Dropping the fabric in her hamper, she pulled back the covers of her bed and slipped inside. A lamp was the sole source of light in her room as she reached for the book beside her bed.

"Okay, Lav. You ready to read The Order Of The Phoenix?" Lavender always calmed down when Camryn read to her. Per Jonah's request, she'd been reading her the Harry Potter series. Although Camryn enjoyed it just as much as her baby did, seeing as she'd read them as a child. "This one is my favorite,"

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