Lavender May Avery

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"Camryn's having the baby!" Jack shouted over the phone to Joey, his heart racing with panic. "You need to get over there and get her to the hospital. We're leaving right now," He wouldn't hang up until the girls were at his house, Corbyn already on the phone with their family while he called Jack called his next. "Mom, I need you to go make sure Camryn's okay."

"Girls! Get your asses down here!" His eyes widened in surprise at his mother's choice of words, all three of his sisters clamoring downstairs. "Jack, I'll call you when we get to the hospital. Drive safely," Kristin hung up on her son and dragged her daughters into the car, their nerves all on edge. 

"I'm gonna be a grandma!"


 She rushed through the front door, her blonde best friend sitting on a stool. A pool of liquid rests at her feet from when her water broke. Her face was scrunched up in pain, car keys tightly fisted in one hand. "Are you just gonna stand there?" Camryn weakly groaned, waddling across the floor.

"Sorry, where's your hospital bag?" Joey grabbed ahold of Camryn, helping her out to the car where she said it was. "Okay, Bailee's at home with Elijah so it's just us right now. But we can do this!" She seemed to be giving herself a pep talk as her friend fastened herself in. 

Camryn flipped the radio on as a distraction, the cd Jack made her playing through the speakers. "Now I see why Bailee was a bitch that night," She groaned, unfastening her seatbelt as soon as Joey parked. Joey grabbed the hospital bag and rushed inside, telling a nurse. Camryn pushed open the passenger door to be helped into a wheelchair, Joey holding her hand the whole time. "I'm gonna kill Jack,"

"Yeah, I don't blame you."


"I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your ass you turn into a human shush-kabob if you don't drive faster." Daniel's eyes widened over Jack's statement, pressing the pedal almost completely down. His fingers drummed nervously as he dialed his mothers' number, Corbyn talking to his in the back.

"Hey, we just got to the hospital. Sydney's going back with Saskia and Ashley," Kristin sat with Isla on her lap and Ava by her side. Her son was around an hour away and panicking more every second. It was a horrible feeling knowing your child might be coming into the world and you weren't there.

"Just make sure they're okay, please."


Saskia brushed back her daughter's hair, Ashley and Sydney holding Camryn's hands. Joey was getting ice chips when five boys came bursting through the door. Jack was full-on sprinting with Corbyn beside him, the three others walking behind them.
"Woah, slow down idiots!"

Joey smiled at them, leading Jack and Corbyn to the room. "You three wait out here, I'll be back in a second." Zach, Daniel, and Jonah all sat down in the hallway. Jack and Corbyn rushed inside to see Camryn using an oxygen mask. "I'm gonna go sit with the boys." Ashley and Sydney joined Joey in the hallway. 

"Jesus, are you okay, princess?" Jack pecked Camryn's forehead, Corbyn holding onto his sister's hand. "What's with the mask?" Saskia mouthed the word panic, Jack grabbing ahold of Camryn's hand. "How far along are we? Four centimeters? Five?" Giggling through her oxygen mask, Corbyn grinned when she pulled it down.

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