First Flight To New York

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Camryns.The.Besson |

Let's fuck this shit up, baby 😜

Tagged: @JoeyKingMe and @BaileeMads | Liked by @DanielSeavey and 2,611,012 others

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She looked at her posted photo, watching as likes flooded in. Everything about her oozed confidence today, from head to toe. She felt sexy and she definitely looked it. A tight leather mini skirt with a matching black cropped tube top, a pair of black heeled boots on her feet. She brought a pop of color in her mustard yellow button-down that draped her arms and hung down past her very short skirt, matching sunnies that would make Corbyn proud resting on her nose. Layered black chokers wound around her neck, one gold and longer than the rest. Her hair was in waves, neutral tinged makeup accenting her features, and she finished her look with a tiny black crossbody.

Joey, Bailee, and Camryn all took an Uber to a house party downtown as a part of their plan. The bass boomed from inside the home, neon lights flickering outside and shining down on their skin while they entered. Sweaty bodies lined the bar as they danced on one another with drinks in their hands, tables filled with liquor behind them. The three girls shared a grin before making a break for the table, grabbing a cup and filling it with their liquid of choice. For Joey, it was rum and coke, Bailee, strawberry margarita, and for Camryn, straight-up tequila with lime. She was never one to mess around when it came to her booze.

"So, besides giving me a hangover tomorrow, what's this going to accomplish?" Camryn sipped her drink and swayed to the beat, raising her brows in question. Joey placed a hand over her heart, shaking her head in mock pity. "You, my dear child, are going to go dance with... that guy over there and let loose!" A tall, buff guy with way too much hair product in his hair is who Joey had chosen. Otherwise known as, not her type. But she knew better than to argue and instead walked over to the guy. Bailee pursed her lips, drinking her margarita as she looked back at Joey. 

"Should we tell her that Zach, Jack, Corbyn, Jonah, and Daniel are here?"

"Nah, she'll figure it out."

Bailee held out her hand for a fist bump that was gladly returned, the two girls making it explode with sound effects. Devilish smirks on their faces, Joey and Bailee watched Camryn dance on the random stranger. Then their eyes went wide when she changed partners to a pretty redhead girl, glancing at each other in a panic since Camryn hadn't come out to the boys yet, including her brother.

 "Fuck- Bailee, stop her!"

Joey and Bailee took off across the floor toward their friend, knowing this wasn't how she wanted it to go down. Camryn and the redhead were just about to kiss when she was pulled back by her friends. She went to yell at them but stopped short when her eyes fell on the figures behind the girls. Camryn's heart fell into her stomach as she took in each of the Why Don't We boys faces, Joey and Bailee turning too with guilty looks.



Jack, Zach, Daniel, Jonah, Joey, and Bailee all sat in the living room of the boy's house. It would've been an uncomfortable silence if not for the screaming of the twins upstairs. Everyone would give each other different glances when they heard certain things that made them angry or sympathetic.

"We should've told her-" Bailee started in on Joey with her head in her hands, the latter pacing the room. "I know, Bailee, I freaking know." Zach squeezed Bailee's hand reassuringly, the girl sending him a quick distracted smile. "Should we be doing something to help her? I mean, I don't know about you guys but the fact she's bisexual doesn't change the way I see her." Jonah stood up as he spoke, Joey looking at him in surprise. 

"Same here." Zach went next. "Me too." Then Daniel. "I'll always accept her, no matter what," Jack muttered his part but everyone still heard it. "And Camryn's gonna need to hear that from you guys, because it doesn't sound like it's going that great up there." Joey sent Jack a look that he understood to be Don't fuck this up. Everyone stood up at the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps, the twins making their appearance.

"Because I'm your twin, Camryn! I should've been the first person to know, not some girl at a party! I don't even know who you are anymore," Camryn, wheeling a suitcase behind her, heard the words Corbyn didn't say. So I want you to leave. Everyone watched as Camryn pulled out her phone and read a quick text, tears pouring down her face. "Well, know you don't have to worry about it anymore. I'm on the first flight to New York," Corbyn was too angry to care, glaring at his sister as he stomped back up the steps. 

"Camryn!" They all tried calling her name as she opened the door, not being able to look at them. "Goodbye, guys," Camryn slammed the door behind her and started to run to the Uber waiting out front. Tossing her suitcase in the back, she didn't hear the door open and someone climb in until the car was already in drive. "Jack-" Camryn started in surprise, looking at the curly-haired boy beside her.

"Like hell if I'm letting you go to New York by yourself after what just happened." He cut her off instantly, his eyes never leaving hers as he put a call into the airport to request a plane ticket. Putting his phone back, Jack wordlessly grabbed Camryn by her waist and placed her in his lap. Wrapping herself around him, it was then, in the arms of the man she loved, that Camryn finally allowed herself to fall apart. 

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