Do I Look Like A Doctor?

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"I swear, Joey if you don't get your food out of my face-"

"Woah, woah, woah, how about you eat over there?" Jack inserted himself in between Camryn, who had the mix of a murderous and a nauseous look on her face, and Joey, who was eating a greasy hotdog and chili cheese fries. They'd stopped and grabbed some food on the way through Arizona then pulled over at a rest stop to eat outside, per Camryn's request. Pointing toward a picnic table across the way, Joey followed Jacks instructions and did as asked. "What's going on, Princess? You don't look so good," 

Camryn glared at him as he went to feel her forehead with the back of his hand. "That's not what I meant and you know it." She sighed under her breath at the coolness of his hands, placing hers over his to hold it in place when he went to remove it. "Sheesh, Princess. You're burning up," Jack crouched down in front of Camryn, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

Her stomach started to curdle, eyes widening and mouth frowning. She jumped out of her seat, knocking Jack out of the way, and sprinted across the red dirt. Resting her hand on a tree for leverage, Camryn emptied what little food she'd eaten into a bush. Strong, familiar hands scooped her blonde hair up and out of her face. Jack rubbed small circles into the middle of her back as Joey rushed over. "What the hell's going on? Is she sick?"

"Do I look like a doctor?" 

"Well, there was the one time you dressed up-"

"She told you about that? Camryn!" 

"Does it look like I want to talk about my sex life right now?" Camryn snapped at the arguing pair, both of them muttering an apology. It took her a few moments but she finally straightened up and grabbed a bottle of water from the van. She swished it around it her mouth and spit it off to the side, popping in a breath mint that Joey offered up. "Sorry, must've eaten something bad before we left."

"C'mon, let's get you in the van." Jack wrapped an arm around Camryn's waist and guided her into the passenger seat, Joey rolling her eyes at them while climbing into the back. Despite her annoyance, a small smile still played on Joey's lips while she watched them. Once Jack was in the driver's seat he carefully lifted Camryn's legs and sat them in his lap. "You don't have to do that,"

"I know, but I'm going to anyway. Joey, can you hand me that blanket?" Joey tossed an Aztec patterned blanket, something they'd gotten in Mexico, up at Jack. He caught it without flinching and laid it over Camryn's body while both girls watched in awe. "Damn, I'm so single." Camryn snorted at her friends' mutter, resting her head on the door. Jack's hand slipped under the blanket to rest on her thigh, Joey sneaking a quick picture as Camryn slipped into sleep.

Jack glanced over at Camryn every few minutes to see soft snores escaping her lips. "Jeez, could you want her more?" Joey's head appeared right next to his, making him jump in surprise. She grinned at Jack as he glared, placing his hand over her face and gently shoving her back into her seat. "First off, rude. Second, she looks at you the same way, dude." Pulling down the trucker hat resting on her head, Joey leaned back with her eyes covered. 

"Daniel likes you too, by the way." 

He didn't miss the small smile on the girls' lips as she went to sleep, a small chuckle escaping his lips. 


* Camryns.The.Besson Added To Her Insta Story

Besson Added To Her Insta Story

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"Almost there,"

* JackAvery Added To His Insta Story

"Camryn got bored and gave me space buns while Joey drove

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"Camryn got bored and gave me space buns while Joey drove..."


Camryn stumbled out of the van, legs asleep from the long drive. Jack grabbed her by her elbow and steadied the blonde. "Thanks, should we wake her up?" Laughter erupted from their throats as they looked in the back seat to see Joey hanging upside down off the backseat, asleep and snoring. "Nah, I locked it so she'll be fine till we get back." 

Jacks hand rested on the small of her back as they walked into a quaint bakery, the smell of fresh baked goods making Camryn's stomach rumble. She hadn't eaten since last night when she'd thrown up pizza. Yeah, she wouldn't be eating that for a while.

"What're you thinking, princess?" He'd been hovering over her since yesterday but in all honesty, she didn't mind. Jacks arm wrapped around her as he whispered in her ear, Camryn turning her head and glancing down at his lips. "I have this insane craving for lemonade, mangoes, and croissants." He chuckled at her sheepish admission, walking the two of them up to the counter to order. 

A perky blonde around their age raked her eyes over Jacks body, Brit reading on her nametag. She ignored Camryn who was no longer being held by Jack but was still close enough it made things clear. "What can I get you, cutie?" Brit batted her eyelashes at Jack, the simple action making Camryn's blood boil. 

"I'll take a mango lemonade and two croissants. Also, while I'm very flattered it would seem you should keep your comments a little more professional." Camryn didn't know why she snarled at the girl, after all, she'd seen Jack with other girls before. But she couldn't help snapping at the Brit, who's eyes widened significantly. Jack hid his smirk, wrapping an arm around Camryn's waist and pulling her into his side to calm her. 

"Actually, make that two mango lemonades and four croissants."


A/N - Get ready for a bombshell in the next chapter my friends. 

(Gif of Cam looking at Brit's bitch ass like she's gonna skin her alive.)

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