Mr. I-Can't-Even-Play-Call-Of-Duty

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* Twenty Minutes Before The Boys Arrived *

"Ugh, would you scream or something?"

 Jackson groaned after he'd been hitting her for over two hours. She was pretty sure her knee was dislocated, along with her hip. Multiple ribs were broken plus her collarbone, and what she thought was her cheekbone. Not to mention the strong possibility she was bleeding internally. He still hadn't been given the satisfaction of hearing her scream, shout, or anything. Hell, she was too damn stubborn to even whimper.

One after another, more blows came. A punch to her nose and jaw. Kicks to her knees, side, and even one to her head. The chair fell backward onto the cold ground, burning her body like ice. Jackson strolled over when she didn't even groan, pulling the chair back up onto its legs. It wobbled back and forth for a few seconds, Jackson rolling his eyes when he still didn't get a single reaction.

"You're kinda ruining this for me," Camryn smirked through her busted lip that had been stained by multiple bloody noses. She couldn't care less that it earned another smack across her face, giving her whiplash. "I have to say, you're still the weak little bitch you were back then." Jackson scoffed, pulling out a knife from his back pocket. "You've just learned to finally keep your mouth shut." Her eyes widened as he advanced, crouching down to cut her free of each rope. "Stand up, this is too boring." He tossed the knife across the room, watching it skid among the cement.

He jerked her up from her seat, Camryn clamping her lips shut to avoid crying. "Fight, bitch." Jackson snarled, swinging at Camryn's side. She stumbled to the side, catching on the freezing metal wall. "Always dressed like a little slut," Camryn tried to duck arm, getting a kick to her knee instead. A small cry finally escaped as Camryn crumpled to the ground, her knee popping out and back into place. 

"There it is, the pathetic little whore I've been missing." Camryn was yanked up by a fistful of hair, throwing her to the other side of the room. "Stand up," Her eyes opened weakly, locking on the small metal object before her. Slowly but surely, one hand curled around the handle. "Stand up," Camryn felt his presence behind her, going over her next few moves. "I said stand up, Cammy."

"It's Camryn."


Jack pulled the gun from his waistband, keeping it by his side as they searched the warehouse. Corbyn and Jonah flanked his left side, Zach and Daniel on the right. They were family, not by blood, but love and experience. Not only the boys but their wives would die for one another, including their nieces or nephews. It was a true testament to how much they cared, how much they were willing to do for each other.

"Do you hear that?" Zach whispered lowly, pointing further to the right. Everyone halted in their steps, tilting their heads in the direction of that specific hallway. If you listened close enough the unmistakable sound of someone hitting something was barely audible. It drove their rage up at least ten more notches, trying not to run at the sound. "I still can't believe you have a gun,"

"It's Camryn's, Mr. I-can't-even-play-call-of-duty." Jack snapped, Zach knowing not to take it personally. All five boys approached the room, listening to Jackson yell. Corbyn, who was also brandishing a metal baseball bat, stood not even a foot away from Jack. "Wait, Zach. Go call the cops," They were trying to find a way to enter the room, not knowing if Jackson had a gun himself. 

Zach did as he was asked, quietly running to the opposite end of the hall and dialing. He spoke as quickly as possible, making sure the cops knew exactly who they were looking for when they entered. Zach returned just as they finished with a plan.

Then Jack hit his breaking point over out of all things, a nickname she absolutely hated. "I said stand up, Cammy." Jack spun around in the doorway, opening his mouth to speak. He didn't get a chance to since his wife beat him to it. "It's Camryn." The next few events happened in the blink of an eye, so quickly it was hard to react.

Camryn jumped painfully off the ground, Jackson's discarded knife in her hand. She swung, Jackson blocking her arm. They wrestled, Jackson climbing on top of her. Jack ran into the room along with all four boys, pointing the gun at Jackson just as he raised his hand to strike. "Hey!" Pulling the trigger, Jack watched the bullet sail into Jackson's back.

Jackson's body landed on Camryn, the girl struggling to push him off. All five boys rushed forward to help her out, gasping at the sight of her bloodied and bruised body. Camryn locked eyes with Jack, not catching the look on his face as she propelled off the floor and into his arms. "You found me,"

"I always will," Jack pressed a kiss into her blood-matted hair, Camryn pulling back at an arm's length. He wasn't dead, Jackson, but they certainly weren't helping him. Ten minutes went by before the room was filled with cops, and that's when it started to happen. Camryn started to sway from side to side, stumbling into her brother while the boys were answering questions. "Woah, Camryn?"

Corbyn pulled back one hand to find it stained with fresh blood, losing all expression on his face. "Jack!" Laying his twin on the floor, Corbyn searched frantically for the source to find two stab wounds. "He stabbed her!" Jack fell onto his knees beside her, resting a palm on Camryn's cheeks as Corbyn went to find a paramedic.

"Look at me, princess. You have to stay awake," Tears trailed down Jack's skin, dripping onto Camryn's chest. She nodded, weakly raising a hand to caress his face. Her touch left a bloody handprint, Jack scolding himself for not noticing his wife was injured. "Come on, don't leave me now. The kids need you, Corbyn needs you, I need you." Camryn smiled faintly, her arm going slack. Jack stared in horror as Camryn's eyes started to close, his screeches for help echoing off the walls.

"I love you, Jack."

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