What She Said

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"I win,"

Gabriela Gonzalez had a small stroke when Camryn spoke up after an entire month. She didn't even say hi, Gabbie rushed out to call every nurse and doctor on the face of the earth. Then she texted the group chat with Come quick. In retrospect, she probably should've elaborated a little bit more. But she still didn't expect the entire freaking calvary to arrive.

"What is it?"

"Is she okay?"

"Why are there so many doctors?"

"I swear if-"

"SHUT UP!" Gabbie finally snapped, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "Jack, Corbyn you guys should go in first." Both boys glanced at one another, hesitantly doing as Gabbie said. She sighed after they entered, explaining what was going on to everyone else. Corbyn gasped loudly, having gone in before Jack. "Camryn?" 

She was sitting up in bed, a smile on her face. "Hey there, little brother." Her voice was barely audible due to a lack of use but they still heard it. Corbyn all but launched himself into her arms, breathing in her scent. Jack was frozen in the doorway, unable to comprehend what was happening. "I'll give you guys a minute," Corbyn shoved Jack in her direction on his way out the door. 

"Well? Get your ass over here and kiss me," Jack was past caring about the bruises on her face when he cupped her cheeks, slamming his lips on hers. Her fingers tangled in his curls, kissing him like he was her oxygen. Which to Camryn, he was. "I heard you, everything you said." Camryn leaned her forehead on his, chest rising and falling rapidly. "So, Asher called me Mommy?"

A laugh escaped Jack for the first time in a month, nodding at her. "Yes, he saw our wedding picture and pointed at you." Camryn pulled Jack onto the bed, burying her head in his shoulder. "I missed you so much, you scared me," Jack admitted, keeping his arm around her. She smiled sadly, brushing a curl from his eyes.

"I know."


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"Thank you for everything you did for us, all the cards and prayers. I love you guys!" - Camryn

"What she said," - Me

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For the past week, Camryn had been working with a physical and occupational therapist. They were trying to build up some of her lost strength after not walking, talking, or moving for an entire month. It was rough, but the fact she worked out all the time before helped her progress quicker. Jack, Christina, and Corbyn had been there every step of the way, everyone else had to sit in the waiting area.

El and Josh had flown home two days ago with Elliot and Eve. Logan had to catch a flight yesterday, so did Eben. Gabbie and Oliver had moved back into their house, as had everyone else. Joey and Daniel were having another baby boy, named Luka Kyler Seavey. Kyler was supposed to be a mix of his brother's names, Christian and Tyler. 

"You're getting so much stronger, Camryn." Christina had made a habit of working out with her so that Camryn had the motivation to keep moving. She refused to leave her, no matter how much Camryn told her she was fine. "Don't give me that look, Melanie." Camryn laughed breathlessly, wiping her face with a towel. 

"I need a shower," Camryn made a face, the stench of sweat sticking to her skin. Jack smiled at her from across the room, pushing off the wall. "Can you help me take one?" He nodded, placing a hand on her hip before suddenly remembering that it had been dislocated a month ago. "Alright, I'll talk to you later, Chrissy." Christina waved on her way out the door, leaving Jack to help her to the bathroom.

She carefully untied her hospital gown, letting it pool at her ankles. "I'll get the water," Jack stepped away for a few moments, trying to get the temperature just right. He hadn't looked at her body once, just her face. Camryn didn't mean that sexually, just that he was afraid to look. To test the theory that she was right, Camryn decided to ask him something.

"Can you help me with these?" Camryn motioned to her bra and underwear, Jack nodding. He stepped around her back, gingerly unhooking her bra. Jack slowly slipped the fabric off her body, still refusing to look when he removed her panties. "Am I really that hideous right now?" Staring up in surprise, Jack saw Camryn looking away to avoid crying.

"What? Why would you say that?" Jack stood quickly, gently grasping ahold of Camryn's face. "You haven't looked at my body once, Jack. I just- am I really that ugly?" She frowned, looking down at the ground. Instead of answering, Jack gripped the edge of his shirt and hoisted it over his head, continuing until he was naked. He reached over to lock the hospital door, grabbing Camryn's hand.

"You're beautiful." He didn't explain why he was acting like that, nor did she ask. Camryn hoped when he was ready that he would talk. "Now, let's get you cleaned up." Jack helped her into the water, washing her hair first. She sighed in pleasure as he scrubbed her scalp, working the sweat off her body. Her strength was up but still not 100%. 

"I love you, no matter what you look like." 


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It's time to see my babies

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