All I Wanted Was A Mango Smoothie

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"I was expecting your little boyfriend," Jackson grinned maniacally at her. "But this was a pleasant surprise." He cracked his neck, slowly advancing on her. His boots clanked on the floor with a heavy thud, Camryn remembering what it felt like to receive one in her ribs.

"I'm so sorry, Camryn." Gabbie's confident facade had dropped to reveal a frightened little girl. Camryn felt her heart leap in pity, pulling a surprised Gabbie behind her. "I didn't know he took my phone," Glancing back, she mentally calculated if they could reach the bathroom before Jackson grabbed them.

"Gabbie," The girl whimpered to signify she was listening. "Run," Camryn shoved Gabbie backward, both of them sprinting to the bathroom. She pushed the younger girl in first, screaming when Jackson latched onto her ankle. "Lock the door and call Jack, go!" Throwing Gabbie her phone, Camryn pulled the door shut. Her eyes fluttered closed when she heard it lock, knowing her only salvation would be to fight like hell.



"Babe, can you get that?"

His phone was ringing from the bedroom non-stop. "Babe?" Walking into the next room, he was surprised to see Camryn wasn't there but his shirt was. He answered the phone without looking, thankfully. "Hello?"

"Oh, thank god. Finally! Jack, it's Gabbie."

He huffed once, going to hang up. "Wait! Don't hang up, Camryn's in trouble!" Jack's heart dropped, instantly accusing her. "It wasn't me, Jackson texted you from my phone and she saw it. You need to get to room 304 of the Hilton right now, she made me hide in the bathroom. Jack... you need to hurry. And bring the boys,"

In nothing but sweatpants and boxers, Jack ran from the house. He didn't even take a car, he just ran until he reached the Why Don't We house. Jack burst inside, scaring everyone that sat in the living room. "Get up! Camryn's in trouble, Jackson has her!" They burst into action, the four girls staying behind.

"Do you think she's okay?" Corbyn glanced nervously at Jack from the driver's seat, his foot pressing the pedal harder. The other three boys sat in the backseat with their legs bouncing and their fists clenched. "I don't know,"

His speed increased.


"You little-"

Camryn clawed at Jackson's face, the boy rearing back in pain. Scrambling to her feet, she took off out the door. "Somebody help!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as she started down two flights of stairs. "Help me, please!" Doors started opening, one after another, to see a man chasing a young pregnant girl with a knife in his hand.

"Call the cops!" A man shouted back inside to his wife, moving without hesitation. He trailed just behind Jackson as the boy hurled threats at her. "Hey! Leave her alone!" The man jumped at Jackson, tackling him to the ground. He was quite a bit smaller than her ex so it came as no surprise when Jackson knocked him out cold.

Jackson lunged for Camryn, grabbing a fistful of her blonde strands. She cried out in pain as he yanked her to the ground, pulling out chunks of hair. He socked her across the face with a force that jolted her head back. Rolling over to her side, Camryn spits out fresh crimson blood onto the parking lot. "You're a worthless, a pathetic whore."

"I wouldn't say that if I were you," He turned around, receiving a fist to his nose. It came to everyone's surprise that it was Corbyn who punched Jackson. "Hurting a pregnant woman? You're the pathetic one." Jonah went next, sending a hit to Jackson's gut, Zach also taking a turn.

"Princess!" Jack fell to his knees beside Camryn, cupping her cheek with his hand. "What were you thinking?" She smiled lightly, her blurry vision flitting over to land on the fight. Camryn saw Daniel standing right behind Jack, shakily pointing a finger at him.

"Dani, room 304. Go make sure Gabbie's okay," Daniel stood still for a second, surprised she would care about the girl. But Camryn's glare sent him running, Jack placing her head in his lap. Sirens were heard pulling into the parking lot, some occupants of the hotel making their way over to stand a little behind the medics. "Ma'am, are you hurt?"

"Ugh, I'm 23, dude."


Eight people were stretched out across the tiny hospital room, seven of them sleeping. Daniel and Joey occupied a tiny chair. Jonah and Corbyn both slept on the different ends of the couch. Zach and Bailee were squished together on a cot the nurse had been kind enough to provide. Lastly, Jack and Camryn were tangled under blankets on her hospital bed. Tate and Christina were at home since seven guests were pushing it.

By some miracle, Camryn managed to escape Jack's arms and climb out of bed. "Psst," Zach had been coming back from using the bathroom when he ran into her. "Where are ya going?" She bit her lip, debating lying, but he saw straight through it. "Hold on, at least let me put you in a wheelchair." Camryn rolled her eyes, sitting down in the device.

"All I wanted was a mango smoothie,"



Camryn Besson has been hospitalized for a concussion and bruised ribs after an altercation with her ex, Jackson. It took place at the Hilton Hotel in LA late last night. In a now-viral video, Jackson was caught on camera punching, pushing, and pulling Camryn after also knocking out a good samaritan. Her baby is reported to still be in good health.

Gabbie Gonzalez, now ex-girlfriend of Jackson, was also at the venue. Camryn had protected the younger girl who we now know was also being abused by their ex. The Why Don't We boys came to Camryn's rescue, holding Jackson down until the cops got there.

Jackson is now in jail as we pray for a speedy recovery for Camryn and Gabbie.


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In sickness and in health, I'll protect you forever.

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