Just Don't Want To

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"Woah, what happened to you?"

Corbyn stood in front of his sister, blocking the tv from her view. Her eyes were sunk in along with hollowed cheeks, blonde hair fraying from its braid. She had on a pair of black spandex, Slytherin socks, and a black camisole but she was wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. Her body had seemed to be molded into the rocking chair she had curled up in. To put it nicely, she looked horrible.

"Gee, thanks." Camryn glared at her brother, rolling her eyes when he took the remote away from her. She pulled out her phone and started scrolling through Instagram before a familiar tune filled her ears. Her eyes flickered up to see the ending of Grease playing, a hand being thrust out before her. Camryn took her brother's hand, allowing him to pull her up as they took on their respective spots.
A small grin on her brothers face, Camryn pretended to throw a cigarette on the ground as Sandy did in the movie.


I Got Chills

They're Multiplying

And I'm Losing Control

Cause The Power You're Supplying

It's Electrifying

Corbyn shook like he'd been shocked with electricity, falling to the ground while the four other boys in the house came down to watch without their knowledge.


You Better Shape Up

Cause I Need A Man

And My Heart Is Set On You

You Better Shape Up

You Better Understand

To My Heart, I Must Be True

Nothing Left

Nothing Left For Me To Do

Jack smiled fondly when Camryn started in, memories of the days they used to sing together floating through his mind. For Zach, Daniel, and Jonah, it was one of the first times they'd really heard Camryn sing so freely. So the trio was impressed with the well-choreographed performance the twins were putting on.


You're The One That I Want

You Are The One I Want

Oh, Honey

The One That I Want

You Are The One I Want

Oh, The One I Need

Lavender ~ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now