Strawberry Shortcake

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BeautyChickee |

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BeautyChickee |

Damn, my best friend is absolutely gorgeous when she tells me her decision on whether or not she's joining Why Don't We.

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson | Liked by @JackAvery and 1,349,234 others

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Camryn hopped from one burgundy combat boot to the other, careful not to rip her sheer black tights with tiny black hearts on them. Her pink hair had been straightened and the only item of clothing she wore was an oversized black shirt with the Beatles on it. A hair tie rest on her left wrist and a nervous look sat on her face as she awaited the response of Zach, Daniel, Jonah, and Corbyn.

"Wait, seriously?"

"I'm still doing my own stuff. But when you tour-" Her brother leaped from his seat with a vague resemblance to a frog, blonde hair bouncing as he rushed to her. A yelp escaped Camryn when Corbyn lifted her from the ground, spinning with an intense speed as the other three boys joined the hug. Jack was noticeably missing, as he had been every since yesterday. Daniel and Jonah noted it was no coincidence that he left around the time the newly dyed blonde commented on Camryns photo.

"We have to celebrate! Zach, you text Jack and tell him where to meet us. Daniel, you, Jonah, and I will find somewhere. Camryn, you go get ready!" Corbyn barked out orders in pure excitement, everyone laughing as they went their separate ways to do as they were told. Camryn went straight for the showers, smelling of lavender by the time she started getting dressed.

Her hair had been dried, straightened, and a section was pulled into a high ponytail. Lavender bra and panty set matched her nails, heels, crossbody, and dress. The dress barely reached the tops of her thighs and her makeup had been done in a similar shade of purple, her favorite color. A pair of silver hoops encased her ears, fingers decorated in an array of rings.

She took a look in the mirror and knew she made the right decision.

She'd just regret it tonight.

She'd just regret it tonight

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Camryns.The.Besson |

Strawberry Shortcake's joining the band.

Tagged: @WhyDontWeMusic and 12 others | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 3,482,111 others

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The five had gone to some club and waited for around fifteen minutes before the two walked in, arm in arm. Camryn's heart turned to dust at the sight, clutching the arm of her chair. She wanted to scream, to throw a shoe at him for proving her fear right, but she turned her face to one of stone. If she was stone, she couldn't feel, and that's exactly what was happening now.

Everyone, including Camryn, stood up to greet Jack and Gabbie. "Hi! Gabbie, great to see you again." It killed her to shake the younger girls hand, but she did it anyway with a fake smile plastered on her painted lips. Daniel rested his hand on Camryn's lower back, Gabbie and Jack, who she hadn't even looked at for fear of throwing up, both noticing. "You too, Camryn. I'm just jealous you'll be getting to spend all this time with Jacky."

Daniel pulled Camryn into his side, Jonah smirking from across the room. Zach and Corbyn, on the other hand, were as clueless as usual. "Yeah, it'll be great to have Cam with us. We can learn a lot from each other." Camryn relaxed into Daniel, who guided her back to the table with Gabbie and Jack across from them.

"We'll take a bottle of Champagne please," Corbyn smiled cheekily as glasses were poured, minus Gabbie who was still a minor. Camryn snuck Zach a glass. Everyone else sipped theirs but she took a gulp, then ordered a bourbon from the waiter. Daniel squeezed her thigh in reassurance, making Camryn jump and smack her knee in surprise. It was quite obvious why considering Jack was hiding a glare.

"Thank you," The waiter grinned flirtatiously at Camryn as he handed her the drink, locking eyes with her. "So Gabbie, how's high school?" Jonah choked on his champagne, lightly hitting the table as Daniel hid his laughter behind the music. Zach made a smart comment about Jonah being careful not to break the table while Jack and Gabbie both glared at Camryn. "I'm graduating this fall, actually."

"That doesn't answer my question, but okay." Camryn let the last drop of champagne fall onto her tongue as she spoke with savagery. Corbyn had been talking to Christina on his cell the entire time, and Zach was Zach, so they didn't interfere. "Christina's here, let's dance!" Her brother stood up with Zach and Jonah, going to the dance floor.

"You wanna dance, Strawberry Shortcake?" Daniel brought the attention of everyone remaining at the table, Camryn looking over at him. He was a few inches from her face, close enough it pissed Jack off. "Sure, Pineapple boy." Camryn laughed, grabbing ahold of the hand her friend offered. Jack turned to Gabbie, snatching her by the wrist and bringing her onto the floor.

Gabbie started grinding on Jack, Daniel tickling Camryn's sides to distract her. The girl with almost completely faded pink hair laughed loudly, feeling his eyes on her every move. Camryn was wearing lavender, the color Jack couldn't resist her in. Let's just say, it was convenient someone was dancing on him cause it would've been hard to explain what was going on below the belt.

"I know this is hard, Cam. But I'm really glad you're joining the band," Daniel twirled her in a circle, dancing respectfully. Camryn smiled brightly at him, shutting her eyes as she moved. "Me too, Dani."

DanielSeavey |

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DanielSeavey |

Best way to cheer her up? Sing Karaoke with her.

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson and 6 others | Liked by @WhyDontWeMusic and 2,843,172 others

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