Reunited At Last

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It had been over two months since Jackson showed up and things felt like things were returning to normal. Camryn was sleeping, eating, and still working out. She took care of the kids, taught them. Her body felt as if it was starting to relax, to stop panicking over where and what Jackson was doing. But it's usually when things feel like they're going well that the world decides to make you eat your own words.

"I'm gonna go to the store, I love you. I'll be back soon," Camryn kissed Jack on her way out the door, taking her Jeep for the first time in a while. She drove to the closest grocery store with a spring in her step and a smile on her face. Her cart quickly filled up with what she needed, carrying her bags out to the car. She was searching for her keys when she ran straight into someone. "Oh, I'm so so-"

Plastic bags slipping from her fingertips, Camryn stared into the eyes of her ex-boyfriend. Her legs worked quicker than her mind, sprinting across the parking lot. "Help! Somebody-" Jackson slammed her head into the car beside her, Camryn's body crumpling to the ground like a ragdoll. A sick smirk took over his face as he watched blood leak from her head, picking her up and tossing her into the back of her Jeep. 

"I have a lot of time to make up for,"


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YourWorstNightmare |

Reunited at last

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace | Liked by @unknown and 1,302 others

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"Lav, can you help your-"

The front door slammed open forcefully, ricocheting off the wall. Corbyn Besson all but ran into the Avery house, cutting Jack off. "Have you seen it?" Jack frowned in confusion, asking what he was talking about. "Jack, check your Instagram now." Pulling his phone from his back pocket, he opened the app as Christina came inside. "Watch them for us?" Christina nodded, pulling all five kids out into the garage.

"Come on, we're gonna go see Aunt Ash."

"Oh my god," A quick check of his phone revealed Camryn's location, having made sure she wore a tracker inside of her necklace. Jack crumpled internally over the picture of his bloodied wife, phone crashing to the ground. "Corbyn let's go-" He stopped mid-sentence, bounding upstairs to their bedroom. Corbyn appeared behind him, asking what he was doing. "I'm getting this," Jack brandished the gun, slipping it in his waistband with the safety on. "Let's go,"

"Normally I'd be really scared of the fact you pulled a gun from under my sisters' nightstand," Corbyn climbed into the driver's seat with Jack on the passenger side. "But right now I want to use it on him," Address typed into the GPS, it didn't occur to them to call the cops. Mostly because they wanted to torture, kill, and dispose of Jackson themselves. 

Jack held a hand over his mouth, sobbing quietly. "She tried to tell me he'd come after her, Corbyn." The image of her bleeding nose, black eyes, and swollen jaw seared in the back of his mind. Corbyn blinked away tears, fighting to keep his vision clear. "I didn't listen," He wanted more time with Camryn, to wake up beside her every morning and take care of their kids. 

"Don't, don't do that. Don't blame yourself because if Camryn were in this car she'd kick your ass," He was completely honest with his brother-in-law, gripping the steering wheel hard enough that his knuckles turned white. "So pull yourself together so you can help me find this son of a bitch," Jack nodded silently, swallowing another wave of tears. They had to hold it together, not just for each other, but for Camryn.

And pray to God she was alive when they arrived.


Throbbing pain engulfed the entire right side of her head. Her mouth felt like cotton, tongue sticking to each ridge of her roof.  She had no idea of her location, just that the cold made her fingers numb. Crimson stained most of her once white crop top, having been stripped of her sweatshirt and shoes. Regret increased over the fact she'd chosen to wear shorts to the store that day, doing her best not to let her bare feet touch the cold cement.

"Ah, look who's awake." Camryn's stomach churned over Jackson's voice inside the small metal room she occupied. If she had to guess she'd say they were in an abandoned factory that he'd custom-tailored for maximum torture. Wherever they were it was cold, although Camryn suspected he kept her in the dark area with no heat source on purpose. "It's about time, I thought you were going to sleep through everything."

His onyx eyes stared her down with every step he made toward Camryn. With every fiber of her being, she did not want to learn what 'everything' was. Somehow, Camryn didn't think she'd get a choice. Her arms were bound behind her, legs tied to the wooden chair she was seated on. In other words, completely vulnerable to any attack Jackson might make. 

"Now, where to begin." Jackson dragged a chair from a dimly lit corner of the room, turning it backward and staddling the object. Camryn sat perfectly still, not making any sudden movements. "How about we start with your face, hmm? I'm surprised you even have a husband looking like that," She held onto the mental picture of Jack and her children, hoping she'd stay alive long enough to at least tell them she loved them.

Although it didn't look promising.


Corbyn and Jack pulled up outside of the address, a large metal factory that seemed to stretch for at least a mile. "You know this is a really bad idea, right? Doing this alone?" Jack mused aloud, spinning around at the sound of an oncoming car. Zach, Jonah, and Daniel all spilled from a black SUV belonging to Daniel. Corbyn squeezed Jack's shoulder, noting the way Jonah had a baseball bat, Daniel carried a tire iron, and somehow Zach had an ax. 

Nobody wanted to question how he got it.

"Who says we're doing this alone?"

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