Oh, Baby

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Camryns.The.Besson |

Oh, baby.

Let's do this. 🤟🏻

( 📷 : @JackAvery)

Tagged: @WhyDontWeMusic & 8 Others | Liked by @TatsByEl and 2,120,382 others

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Camryn sat across the aisle from her brother on the five and a half hour plane ride to Phoenix, which gave them plenty of time to talk about plans for the future. It seemed as though they didn't get to spend much time with each other so it came to their joy when they realized they were seated closely. He was insanely excited to be an uncle and honestly wouldn't shut up about it, but it made her ecstatic to know he was supportive.

Not so much when he asked who the father was.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask that too." Eben suddenly peeped up from behind Corbyn, scaring the bejesus out of both him and Camryn. Jack was sitting on the other side of Camryn, the window seat, and tensed every muscle in his body. "Um, I'm gonna protect his privacy for right now but you'll know soon enough. Okay?" Corbyn and Eben sank like the inflatable dancing things outside of a car dealership. But, nonetheless, they seem to accept her answer. For now.

Around two hours in everyone had fallen asleep apart from Jack and Camryn, the former spreading their blanket from Mexico across their bodies. His hand found hers under the weaved material, waffling their fingers together and resting them on his thigh. Camryn laid her head on his shoulder, his on top of hers.

A curl fell in her eyes, bringing a tiny giggle from Camryn's lips. "You smell like sandalwood, curly-q." Jack smiled at her observation, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead before going back to the resting position. Both of them were content resting there, scrolling through their Instagram feed.

"I really enjoyed the caption." He grinned at her photo, the one he'd taken. She smiled cheekily and nuzzled closer, nose brushing against his neck. Gently shifting, Jack wrapped one arm around Camryn and used that hand to connect with her hand again. Camryn lazily watched his movements, bringing her freehand up to stroke his cheekbones. Her lips brushed against his collarbone, twirling a curl around her index finger. "Careful, princess." His voice was strained and his movements had halted, a mischievous smile on her lips.

"You know what they say about pregnancy hormones, J." Jack swallowed thickly, suddenly losing all interest in his phone. The arm around her shoulders reached out and slid the compartment door closed, tossing their armrest up. Their lips met each other halfway, her hands sliding up into his curls. She broke apart for a few seconds to breathlessly whisper to him. "This doesn't mean I'm ready for us to-"

"Just shut up and kiss me, princess.


Joey was first to notice the suddenly uplifted moods of Camryn and Jack. She glanced at the hickeys on Jack's neck, not seeing the ones littering Camryn's chest and stomach. A grin on her face and Daniel by her side, she nudged the dude in his side and whispered in his ear. Daniel snorted and wiggled his brows at the post glow couple.

"Seriously? On the plane?"

Camryn, usually secretive and more nonsexual in public, had more confidence with her pregnancy hormones. Thus, causing her to be flat out with Daniel. "What? It's not like I can get pregnant twice," Jack bit his lip while grabbing both of their bags. "I can certainly try though." He choked on air this time, Camryn smirking at the shocked trio who'd heard her.

"Careful!" Zach fawned over Bailee as everyone climbed off the plane, receiving aww's from the group. Jack watched Camryn with a close eye while Corbyn helped her, making sure to stick rather close to her side but not so much it would look suspicious.

Camryn groaned in discomfort when everyone shuffled through the crowds of people, security making sure to stick to both pregnant women. "You okay?" Corbyn shouted over the noise, his sister nodding with a fake smile, pausing every so often to take pictures with fans. Divided into two vans, the group rode together to their venue.

After the show tonight they'd separate into three tour buses. Corbyn, Jonah, Joey, and Daniel were in one. Eben and some other team members were all in one. But in the biggest bus was Camryn, Jack, Zach, and Bailee. Zach and Bailee had their own room while Jack and Camryn had separate ones. In reality, Jack and Camryn would really be sharing a room.

"Alright, everyone. It's time to get to the trailer, chop-chop."

Everyone busted into high gear apart from Bailee and Joey, who was just going to help out with Camryn's makeup and hair. Camryn went to the hair and makeup station first, Joey doing her blonde strands in waves. Bailee, on the other hand, worked on doing Camryn's makeup in casual glam. Not too long into the session Shawn Mendes came on Joey's speaker, each girl breaking out into dance that Bailee streamed on Instagram live.

"As entertaining as that was too watch, princess, you're needed in wardrobe." Jack's voice made Camryn jump, the boy smirking at her. "Nice shimmy, by the way." He winked and opened the door wider, motioning for her to step on out. She pressed a kiss to his cheek on the way out, squeezing his hand and walking a few seconds to the other trailer.

A short black, spaghetti strap playsuit rest underneath a chainlink type full body playsuit. It was covered in tiny rhinestones, a matching cape making her glitter like a goddess. Her feet were shoved into a pair of heeled black combat boots. She felt like a true badass and loved every inch of it. The boys wouldn't see her outfit for a while since she went on before them then later came out to perform with them. So, for now, she had to go on the whistles of Joey and Bailee.

"Damn girl,"

"One hot mama. Ha, get it."

"Joey, you're as subtle as a hand grenade. Of course, we get it."



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Camryns.The.Besson |

I'd say the first night was a success. 💁🏼‍♀️

Tagged: @WhyDontWeMusic & 10 others | Liked by @AshBesson and 1,999,230 others

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