Forever And Always

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One Year Ago

A laugh tumbled from her lips as Jack planted another feathering kiss on her collarbone, his hands gripping her bare waist. They smiled at one another when he pulled back, happiness in their eyes. She bit her lip, debating on whether or not to tell him, but she took one look at those curls and knew she was a goner. "Can I tell you something nobody knows? Not even Corbyn,"

Jack sat up on the bed at her serious tone, pulling Camryn with him to straddle his waist. "Of course you can, baby girl." Her heart fluttered at the nickname, the same way it did every time he said it. "For the past couple years I've been going to Julliard in New York for music and I never told Corb because I didn't want him to feel like I was taking his dream." Camryn waited for Jacks response, a little nervous he wouldn't get it, but instead, she was met with his warm lips on hers.

Her shoulders slumped in intoxication, the pair only separating when they needed air. "I'm so proud of you," Camryn looked up at Jack through her lashes in awe, his eyes never leaving hers. "And whether you decide to tell Corbyn, which I think you should, or not, the day you graduate I'm gonna be in the front row cheering so loudly I'll probably get kicked out." Jack brushed away her stray tears and looked at her with such intensity that Camryn was afraid it might physically break her to look away.

"Forever and always, baby girl."


"I mean, I knew you were releasing an album but-" Camryn shot Corbyn a panicked look, him sending her the exact one back when he realized he'd revealed her secret. She winced when Jonah, Jack, Daniel, and Zach all whipped their heads in her direction. "You're what?"

Camryn smiled sheepishly at the five boys. "It was supposed to be a surprise but on Friday I'm having an album launch party. Um, I met a guy at college and his boss signed me so..." Jonah and Daniel simultaneously glanced at Jack when Camryn mentioned this guy, watching anger spark in his eyes. Corbyn smirked at his sister, wiggling his eyebrows. "A guy, huh? What's his name and when do I meet him?" Her smile faltered in the slightest way that was only caught by Jack, his brows scrunching together. Camryn rolled her eyes, snatching her glass of water of the coffee table, and started upstairs without answering.

"I'm gonna head to bed, see you, ladies, later."

- -
That failed.

Camryn has tried desperately to sleep yet somehow exhaustion had failed to take over and instead left her tossing and turning for an hour. So she threw her covers back and flipped on the lights angrily, not even flinching at the sudden brightness. She tossed her luggage on the bed and unzipped each piece, staring at them hopelessly until her gaze landed on her speaker. A small smile on her face, Camryn plugged her phone into the device and put her playlist on shuffle. This particular selection was softer than her others due to the fact it was three AM and everyone else in the house was asleep.

First, Camryn put all her clothing into the mahogany dresser with a tv on it. Then she put any decorations that wouldn't require nails or noise out. After that was makeup and hair stuff, which went on the vanity that matched her dresser, something Corbyn had gotten her. Finally, she grabbed anything that belonged in the bathroom conjoined with her room and whoever was on the other side, she hadn't asked and went to put them in there. Quietly, Camryn set her lavender scented shampoo set next to the sandalwood one that was already in there, not noticing that was the scent.

"What're you doing?"

Camryn dropped the toothpaste in her hand with a small scream, jumping back as the door of the opposite bedroom opened. Jack stood there in amusement, a small smirk on his face as he picked up the toothpaste. He got closer to Camryn, backing her into the counter, and reached behind her to sit the toothpaste down. Jack had planned on backing away but he took one look at Camryn and froze in place, his eyes flickering down. Camryn wanted so desperately to give in, to let those lips captivate hers once again, but he hurt her too badly last time. So, she placed two hands on Jacks' chest and roughly shoved him away from her, swallowing a sob.

"Baby girl-" Camryn whirled around in anger, causing Jack to take a step backward. "No, you don't get to call me that. You don't get to have me back. You made me love you and then you broke me, Jack!" Jacks face fell at the word love and Camryn slapped a hand over her mouth when she realized what she'd done. They'd never said those words to each other and now, during Camryns whisper shouts, she finally revealed why she was so broken when he left her. Removing her hand from her mouth, she continued in a quieter tone. "You told me to meet you at our spot. I waited for you all night! The next day I had to find out from the press that you weren't there because you were with her the whole time. It was the last night before the tour, and you spent it with Gabbie instead of the girl who was planning on telling you she loved you that night."

Jack stood there in the doorway of the bathroom, taking in every word she hurled at him and wanting nothing more than to cross the room and kiss her sobs away. It took everything in him to keep his own tears at bay and looking at how badly he hurt her wasn't helping. So he nodded at her, grabbing ahold of the door and closing it between them. Camryn collapsed on the other side of the door, silent sobs racking her body as Jack listened, quietly weeping himself.

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