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Humming under her breath, Camryn and Jack waited in the therapist's lobby. It was her fourth session with Dr. Turner, an eccentric middle-aged woman with graying brown hair. This time she wanted to meet Jack so the three of them could talk. Eventually, Dr. Turner wanted to meet all five of their children too. They were still a little ways away from getting to that point of comfort though. 

"Camryn?" Her therapist smiled from the doorway leading back to a row of rooms, one of them being her office. Camryn and Jack followed her back to her room, motioning for them to take a seat. A row of ugly upholstered chairs, and one loveseat, surrounded the chair Dr. Turner sat in. She hid a small smile when Jack and Camryn chose to sit on the loveseat, their hands interwoven. "Is this your husband?"

"Yes. Jack, this is Dr. Turner. Dr. Turner, this is Jack, the love of my life." Camryn smiled openly at her doctor, sinking into Jack's side. Jack slipped the hand that wasn't holding Camryn's around her shoulders. "We've been together for almost fourteen years, right? Since Lav is almost twelve?" He nodded in confirmation, both of them not believing she was that old. Dr. Turner smiled at the thought, having a son of her own named Lucas.

"That's great. Now, Camryn's told me about what happened with Jackson. But, there's something I wanted to talk to you about, Jack." He frowned in confusion, Camryn sharing that exact look. Dr. Turner chuckled, looking over at their matching faces. "Wow, it's like the same person." Jack huffed a laugh, Camryn doing the same. Despite the fact that Dr. Turner had a psychology degree, it always felt as though she was talking to a friend. 

"Scars. They can be a painful reminder of what happened," Dr. Turner nodded at Camryn, Jack watching her stand up and off the couch. "Not just for Camryn, but for you too. I believe that's why you said the thing you did," Jack looked down in shame, knowing how badly he hurt Camryn. "And Camryn understands that now. But, she also decided to do something to fix the way you both feel." Pointing at Camryn, she raised her shirt to reveal a sketch over the scars.

"We're going to the tattoo parlor,"


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No, I'm not ashamed of my scars.

But, that doesn't mean I want to look at them all the time.

In a compromise, I decided to make it into something I'd love to show off.

Tagged: @JackAvery | Liked by @TimesUp and 3,208,472 others

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"So, what do you think?" Camryn removed the bandage, revealing her healed tattoo. A black and white butterfly covered the scar closer to her chest. Disguising the other mark was a black and white rose with a stem trailing into her panty line. After all, there's no reason it couldn't be sexy at the same time. "Does it look okay?" She smiled at him in her bra and underwear, approaching him where he sat.

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