Wake-Up Call

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 * Six Months Later 8


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Fifteen years with each other

Eleven married

Forever total


Happy Anniversary, baby

Tagged: @JackAvery & @ZCaspary | Liked by @WhyDontWeMusic and 2,093,482 others

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JackAvery |

No amount of time will ever be enough.

I love you, Mrs. Avery. 

Happy Anniversary

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace & @ZCaspary | Liked by @GabbieGonzalez and 2,093,482 others

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Date night


Happy Anniversary, Jack and Camryn!

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace & @JackAvery | Liked by @WhyDontWives and 2,093,482 others

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Jack's jaw dropped open at the gorgeous sight before him. Her short hair was curled in messy, sexy waves. Christina had painted her lips red, highlighted her cheekbones, and applied mascara to her eyes. Silver heels with a matching bracelet, a two-piece grey bandage dress hugging her figure. It showed a lot of skin, but that's the way she'd planned it.

"You look, I mean, wow." Camryn giggled, lazily eyeing Jack's figure. He looked insanely sexy in fitted black slacks and a matching dress-shirt, clinging to every muscle he had. "Happy Anniversary," Jack snatched her by the waist, yanked her against him. Slamming his lips against hers, he sucked Camryn's bottom lip in between his teeth. 

They pulled away after a solid thirty seconds, dazed. "We, uh, we should go before we can't leave." She grumbled, pulling him to the Uber. Considering they'd both probably be drunk by the end of the night, they decided it'd be better not to drive themselves. Jack's large hand resting on her upper thigh, Camryn tried to focus on the fancy club they pulled up to. "Come on," Dragging him out of the car, she led the way inside. 

They'd eaten dinner at home before they came. The kids had cooked with the help of Bailee and Gabbie, a wonderful four-course meal. It started with a salad and breadsticks. Then filet mignon, grilled to perfection. Buttered asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. Lastly, a decadent chocolate and raspberry cake with whipped cream. All in all, it was a very impressive meal. Bailee had recently gotten a job as a chef after going to culinary school.

After being led into the semi-abandoned VIP section, they sat in a dark corner of the room."Can we get a lemon drop martini and a vodka tonic?" Jack slid the waiter a twenty, pulling Camryn into his lap after the guy started eyeing her. "Now," He growled, blatantly sliding one hand up her legs. The young man rushed away to get their order but Jack didn't bother to move his palm. "No matter how long we're together, I'll never get used to people staring at what's mine." Jack glared when their drinks arrived on the table, Camryn's perfectly manicured acrylics wrapping around the stem of her glass.

"I'm yours, J. Don't forget it," Camryn whispered in his ear, sipping her martini. Fingertips trailing under her skirt, she shivered over the skin-on-skin sensation. She stifled a whine when he stopped, reaching for his vodka tonic instead. "Wanna dance?" Jack scrunched up his nose with disinterest, shaking his head no. A smirk graced her lips, standing up from his lap with a burst of confidence. "Fine, then you can watch."

Heels echoing on the floor, she crossed the floor to the DJ. Slipping him a bill, she requested her song. Confident by Justin Bieber boomed through the speakers, Jack's mouth salivating. Swinging her hips from side to side, Camryn moved in time with the beat. Running one hand through her hair, the other slid down her body at an agonizingly slow pace. She could feel his eyes boring into her from his seat, watching her drop down to the ground.

No matter how many people were dancing, she still managed to attract everyone's gaze. Each person danced in a pair of two except for one man in the back who Jack instantly recognized as their waiter. Jack was up from his seat and almost to Camryn by the time the guy blinked. Pushing up his silky sleeves, Jack slid behind his wife. 

"Oh, baby girl. You're in big trouble," Jack bit her neck, blowing on the skin once he unclamped. He couldn't care less about where they were, he just slipped his hand up her skirt. They both knew the waiter was watching and that was exactly the way Jack wanted it. He thrived off the fact the guy knew Camryn belonged to Jack. "Turn around," 

Camryn complied, instantly crashing their mouths together. His tongue won in a one-sided battle of dominance, not hiding his moan of pleasure. Jack gripped her ass, squeezing hard enough it was sure to leave bruises by tomorrow morning. No matter how much time had passed, Jack and Camryn could never seem to get enough of the other. It could keep them up at night, craving the taste of their spouse. On the plus side, it made for an amazing wake-up call at two in the morning. 

"Stay here," He left her on the floor, walking up to the waiter. She didn't know what he was going to do, knowing how jealous he could get. Hell, she was just as bad. But, she let him do whatever it was he was doing. "Do you guys have a bathroom?" Jack smirked at the waiter, the man begrudgingly pointing in the back of the club. "Thanks," Dripping sarcasm, Jack left to grab Camryn again. 

"What did you say to him?" Camryn struggled to keep up with his excited pace, almost tripping several times. "Jack," She laughed breathlessly, not paying any attention to where they were going until he pushed her in and locked the door. Jack switched personalities as soon as the lock clicked, pinning her against the door with a dark smirk.

"I think you know that's not my name."

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