Waking Up Tomorrow

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Two Weeks Later

Her robe falling down her shoulders, Camryn rummaged through her icebox. It was three AM and a depressing Spotify playlist was running through the surround sound system all through her house. She'd discovered a new artist called G Flip and found herself listening to her album on repeat lately. Especially 'Waking Up Tomorrow', a feeling she could connect to more than ever right now.

"I don't feel like, waking up tomorrow. If you're not right there by my side," Being home alone allowed her to sing as loud as she wanted. In a ribbed white tank top and grey Tommy Hilfiger panties, she snatched a small carton of mango gelato. Her hair was in messy waves, face makeup-free. Sitting down on a bar stool, Camryn opened her laptop and clicked on Jack's contact.

The boys were in Nova Scotia and were constantly busy. So she decided to try calling him as soon as he woke up. It'd be seven AM where they were, a four hour time difference. She was exhausted from spending the day with the girls but every part of her being just wanted to see his face. "Hello?"

Camryn's head snapped up with a smile, her eyes meeting a scowling Jack. "Hey, J. Sorry if I woke you, I just wanted to see what time you were flying in for Valentine's day tomorrow," His lips made the shape of an o, sitting up from his lying position. 


"It's okay, I get it. I'll just babysit for everyone so they can have a night to themselves," Jack frowned, Camryn putting on a convincing fake smile. She ran a hand through her hair, eyes flickering up to the clock. "Well, I should probably get to sleep." He nodded in understanding, not doing anything to argue. That's what bothered her the most, the fact he didn't seem to care. So she sucked it up, bit her lip to keep from crying, and said one last sentence before hanging up.

"Goodnight, Jack."



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Camryns.The.Besson |

Goodbye and Goodnight.

Tagged: Nobody | Liked by @TatsByEl and 1,043,930 others

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