If You're Good

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*Camryns.The.Besson has posted to her Instagram story for the first time in a while*

Besson has posted to her Instagram story for the first time in a while*

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I never wear skirts this breeze is crazy. See u soon Nagoya.


"Are you trying to kill me?"

Jack scanned her outfit with a dropped jaw, eyes lingering on her thighs. She had on a powder blue sweater with ruffles on the edges of her sleeves, a short pink and blue plaid skirt showing plenty of legs. Her chunky heels matched the sweater, makeup done in a light pink and hair done its usual waves. The schoolgirl like skirt, though, was Jack's weakness.

"If you're good, I'll let you take it off me later." Camryn's lips brushed his ear, placing a kiss there before pulling away. Jack's eyes darkened with lust as he grasped the backs of her thighs, tugging once so she tumbled onto his lap. A small squeak left Camryn's lips as she straddled him, Jack grunting at the force of her landing.

"Or I could take it off you now." Jack attached his lips onto her collarbone, working magic all along her flesh. Camryn whimpered under his touch, her hands slipping up the back of his shirt to scratch circles in freckled skin. She ground her hips into him to create any friction she could, feeling his growing erection. 

"J," Camryn whined, her panties slipping to the side so his jeans brushed her roughly. She swore at the feeling, Jack smirking at the image of her pleasuring herself on his thigh. He snuck a hand up the front of her sweater, massaging her chest. His free hand gripped her waist to press her harder onto his leg, swallowing her moans with his lips. A few minutes later she'd reached her high, burying her head in his neck to stifle the cries. 

"As much as I would rather have been inside of you, that was really fucking hot." Jack blinked at Camryn in awe, lifting her up and placing her on the chair he abandoned. He returned a second later with a washcloth, kneeling to clean her off. She flinched out of sensitivity, Jack muttering an apology and crossing the hotel room to her bag. 

"Well, just think of it this way." Camryn smiled when he placed a fresh pair of underwear under her skirt, Jack kissing her lips and pulling her up. She turned them around and pushed him onto the edge of the bed. Eyes interlocked, Camryn gripped Jack's thighs and lowered to rest on her knees. She unbuckled his pants and pulled his boxers down, Jack wincing in pain over his hardened length.

"Now I get to return the favor."


"Camryn, have you seen- you just had sex." Daniel raised a brow at Camryn who spluttered while trying to come up with an explanation. "Oh please, I know what a girl looks like after she's had an orgasm." She stopped gaping like a fish and instead opted for smiling amusedly as he realized what he'd just admitted too. His ears turned red in embarrassment, turning and walking in the other direction without another word.

"Man, I wish I'd videotaped that." Jack slung an arm around Camryn's shoulders with a chuckle, placing a kiss on her cheek. She smiled lazily as she wrapped her arm around his waist, falling into him. "You ready to go outside? Do a little traveling?" Her eyes lit up in excitement, seizing his hand and pulling. 

All Eight of them, including Bailee and Joey, started roaming the streets of Japan. Everyone seemed to want to eat at different places so Jack and Camryn had split off. They were currently in a little restaurant eating local cuisine, which is where Camryn learned of her new cravings. Milk tea and, ironically enough, noodles. Jack thoroughly enjoyed making comments about it. "Can I have a bite, princess?" 

"Of course, Noodles." Camryn took her chopsticks and brought a hunk of noodles to Jack's mouth. She giggled as he failed to catch a stray. On instinct, Camryn leaned forward and captured it as it hung from Jack's lips. He chuckled with a full mouth, pulling her in with the arm resting around her shoulders. 

Until he realized they were in public. 

Jack leaned away from her quickly, Camryn furrowing her brows. A small frown played over her lips when he scooted away from her. His heart sank when he saw the look on her face, suddenly throwing away her trash and grabbing her stuff. He struggled to find words while rushing after her, the girl surprisingly quick for being pregnant. "Camryn-"

Camryn ran smack into Daniel, stumbling a little before he caught her. His lips turned downward at the sight of her teary eyes, pulling her into a hug on the side of the crowded street. Then they heard the sounds of camera shutters clicking rapidly. Pulling away from each other, Daniel shielded Camryn from the paparazzi with his jacket. Everyone shouted out questions as to whether or not they were dating, the rest of the gang showing up to act as bodyguards. 

"Princess!" Jack caught up with Camryn, a finger appearing before his face. "Not now, Jack. Just... not now." Daniel and Corbyn glanced between the couple in confusion, Bailee and Joey guiding Camryn back to their venue. All the boys hung back, spinning around to face Jack. Corbyn glared at Jack, opening his mouth to growl.

"What the hell did you do to my sister this time?"


BaileeMads |

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BaileeMads |

My new favorite photo of Camryn. She's the most photogenic person I've ever met in my life. We found these lights just outside our venue for the night. How insanely beautiful is she? #Damn #Slay #Share

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson | Liked by @JoeyKingMe and 1,239,754 others

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