London Calling

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*Camryns.The.Besson added to her Instagram story*

Besson added to her Instagram story*

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Camryns.The.Besson |

London Calling...

Tagged: @ZCaspary | Liked by @JackAvery and 1,084,532 others 

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"It's so beautiful here,"

Her aqua boots clicked along the road, pushing Lavender in her stroller. Jack walked right beside them with the diaper and a couple of shopping bags. One hand was always intertwined with hers, no matter how many things he was carrying. "Yeah, it is. I'm really looking forward to Paris though," He smiled knowingly, not allowing her to see. 

"Me too, can you believe it hasn't even been a year since we were there?" Camryn blew out a short breath, glancing down at Lavender. The sleeping four-month-old baby would be another month older by the time they reached Paris. "She's growing too quickly," Jack brought her hand up to his mouth, kissing the back of her palm.

"I know, I wish she'd stay small forever." They arrived at their hotel, nodding at the doorman. "So, uh, how many siblings do we want to give her?" Jack tried to slip it into the conversation in a nonchalant manner. Camryn, however, picked up on the tiniest crack in his voice when he asked her. She wasn't expecting the question to come as she was laying Lavender inside of her crib. 

Camryn turned around slowly to watch Jack nervously scratch the back of his head. He yanked off his clothing, minus the boxers, and sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer, I know it was unexpected. You probably don't even think about that stuff-" She got tired of his ranting and placed one hand over his mouth, effectively silencing him. Camryn, now in Jack's discarded shirt and her undergarments, perched beside him.

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