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Camryn swore under her breath as she fell in the shower, stifling a cry of pain. One hand swung out to catch on the tile, scraping her knuckles. Footsteps approached the bathroom, pushing open the door. A part of her thought it could be Jack, but that was too much to wish for. Instead, it was Christina, Bailee, Joey, and Tate. All four girls approached her naked, scarred body with pitiful faces. 

"Oh, teacup." Tate sighed, approaching Camryn with a towel. Bailee reached up to turn off the hot water, Joey crouching down to dry off her bottom half. Christina wrapped her hair up, helping to lift Camryn onto her feet. "What happened?" Sitting Camryn on the edge of the bathtub, they slid on a pair of underwear and carefully fastened a bra. 

"I'm ugly, all of these scars and bruises." She stared off across the room, not moving her gaze from the light fixture. "Jack won't look at me, touch me, kiss me. He hardly even talks to me," The girls shared a glance, unsure of how to help. Christina stepped forward to gently push her chin, guiding Camryn to look at her. 

"I have an idea that's going to show you just how strong you are."


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We all have War-Wounds.

Some of them are just more noticeable than others

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Strong little munchkin

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace & 3 others | Liked by @BaileeMads and 1,029,372 others

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