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JackAvery |

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JackAvery |

Tour, here we come.

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson | Liked by @WhyDontWeMusic and 1,204,583 others

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Camryns.The.Besson |

Our home for the next six months.

Lavender's ready and so are we.

Tagged: @JackAvery | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 1,084,583 others

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Carrying Lavender in her car seat, Jack brought his daughter into their tour bus bedroom. "Here we are, buttercup. This is where we'll be for a while, you, me, and Mommy. Oh, and Uncle Jonah." Taking Lavender out of her carrier, the biggest grin took over his face. A few seconds later Camryn entered with a diaper bag in tow. "Look, there she is, buttercup!"

"Hi, sweetie!" Dumping the diaper bag beside their bed, Camryn walked over and kissed Lavender's forehead, then Jack's lips. "Hey, babe." She was happier than he had seen her in a while. It wasn't just one factor, it was everything. Tour, Lavender, Jack. Camryn felt like she was on a high constantly for the past two months, otherwise known as when Lavender was born.

"My princess's," Jack smiled into the kiss, breaking apart with a chuckle when Lavender growled. "Easy there, grumpy. We love you too," Camryn laughed, peppering her face with kisses until Lavender broke out into a giggling fit. "Did you say goodbye to everyone?"

"Yeah, I'll see the girls soon anyway. I think they might come to the show in Manchester," Camryn lightly pinched Lavender's cheek, peeking out into the living room when the bus started to move. "I'm going to put the diaper bag in Lav's room, be back in a second." Doing just that, she waltzed to the opposite side of the bus. Jonah was already asleep upstairs in his bed.

Making funny faces at his daughter, Jack felt a sense of pride wash over him. She was absolutely beautiful, pure, and he helped create her. "I love you, little one." He cradled her in his tattoed arms as she began to drift off into slumber. Jack stood, being careful not to wake Lavender up, and placed her in the crib Camryn had just assembled yesterday. "Sleep well,"

"Are you hungry? The boys were thinking of stopping at Chipotle but if you want I can whip something up for now," Camryn was bent before the fridge when he came back to their side, absent-mindedly chewing her lip. Jack admired the sight from beside her, forgetting to answer until she looked up. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

"Not at all, uh, I'm not really hungry right now so I'll just wait until we stop." Stripping down to his boxers, Jack tossed his clothes into the hamper and opened up their shared dresser. Camryn did a double-take after closing the fridge door, admiring his physique. Licking her lips with a shake of her head, she ran a hand through her blonde locks to clear her mind.

"Alright, well I'm going to pump real quick in case we need it." Camryn yanked her top off and walked past Jack to the bed like it was nothing, tossing her bra into the corner. His jaw dropped at the sight of her bare chest, clenching his teeth so hard he thought they might shatter. Attaching her breast pump, she squeezed until she couldn't anymore. Storing her milk inside of the small deep freeze they'd purchased, Camryn furrowed her brows when she realized Jack wasn't where he had been. "Jack?" Her words came out hushed as to not wake up Lavender or Jonah, walking through the bus.

She checked Lavender's room, not seeing him anywhere. Her movement finally halted before the bathroom door on their level, hearing stifled groans. Lips parting in realization, Camryn successfully tried to quietly twist the doorknob. He faced away from her with one hand around his lengths and one holding his phone. A nude picture Camryn had sent him was displayed on the screen.

Trying her best not to scare him, Camryn gently touched his back muscles. Instead of jumping like she thought he would, Jack tensed under her touch and hurriedly hid his phone. "Princess, I-" His face was beet red, trying to stammer an explanation despite literally being caught with his pants down. "Um,"

"Don't be embarrassed," She didn't realize she was still topless until he glanced down, gulping visibly. "How about I help you, hmm?" Camryn feverishly slammed her lips over his, Jack not wasting any time in kissing back. He whimpered under her touch when she wrapped a hand around him, moving up and down. "Do you need me, hmm?" Jack nodded rapidly, swearing under his breath.

"Oh, fu-" Camryn licked his tip, completely taking him in her mouth. His hands grasped at her strands to fashion a makeshift ponytail. Jack almost came when they made eye contact, her thick eyelashes caressing the tops of her cheekbones. Wide, innocent green eyes that held the knowledge of her being anything but. "Babygirl-"

"Shh," She popped off his length with an echoing sound, cupping his balls in her hand. "You've gotta be quiet." Bobbing her head at an expeditious pace, Jack had to lean against the counter with the fear of his knees buckling. He twitched inside her mouth, Camryn smirking against him. When he came seconds later she swallowed every drop, standing up from the ground. "Better now, Daddy?"

In a blink, Camryn was on the bathroom counter with Jack's tongue down her throat. His tired hands grasped the hem of her pants, confused when she pulled away. "No, you're too tired. Another time you can repay me, okay?" Staring at her in awe, he kissed her once more.

"Damn, I love you so much."


JackAvery |

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JackAvery |

Nobody else I'd rather love than you, Camryn Melanie Besson.

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson | Liked by @TateDoll and 1,024,583 others

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