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You know the feeling, the one where you think 'Okay, who's gonna pinch me?' because obviously what was happening before your very eyes isn't real. Except, even if someone pinched you like it was St. Patricks Day and you weren't wearing green, it was very very real. They could pinch you until you were black and blue, dunk your head in cold water, but the reality was still staring you in the eyes.

But at the same time, it was so real.

Like remembering it was your last year of high school. It was the feeling of excitement knotted in your chest that was begging to be unraveled, and it had loose strands galore just waiting to be tugged. But that excitement could sometimes turn to fear. Fear of acceptance, fear of life, of reality. Because you knew that in a split second anything could be taken away and instead of that dreamy feeling you'd be left with a cold dark nightmare.

That's exactly how Camryn felt when Jack finally uttered those eight letters she'd waited seemingly forever to hear.


"I love you,"

Camryn looked at Jack in awe, feeling the exact same way. Apparently, she'd been silent for quite a few minutes because Jack had pulled out the bottle of booze in her bag and started drinking it. Blinking, she pulled the bottle out of his hand and took a large gulp, breathing deeply before opening her mouth.

"I love you too."

Jack almost fell off the cabana in shock, not actually expecting her to feel the same. "That's what I was going to tell you that night," His heart sank with guilt, squeezing his eyes shut with a shake of his head. Camryn wasn't sure how to proceed with it, but she knew one thing. She loved Jack Robert Avery, and she was using every ounce of willpower not to jump his bones. Okay, make that two things. He must've read her mind since he took her hand, pulling her off the cabana.

"Let's go inside."

Grabbing their things, the duo all but ran up the steps into the backdoor. Leaving the boards on the deck, they practically threw their belongings on the kitchen counter. Something held Camryn back from going to him instantly, and he could tell. "What is it?" Jack awaited her sentence, wishing he wouldn't have been. "How do I know you won't hurt me again? Abandon me?" She looked over his face, watching the way he didn't know how to respond. Camryn sucked her lips in, nodding and slowing backing away from him into the bedroom.

"I need to think about tonight,"

He didn't even argue, the way she wished he would've. But he let her close the bedroom door, change clothes, and climb into bed.



It was around three AM when Camryn started to miss her brother. She desperately wanted to call him, to ask him what she should do about Jack. But he didn't know about their past or present relationship and that would make it a little hard for her to get a nonbiased answer. So instead she facetimed Jonah, his face popping up on her computer screen. "Hey! Isn't it like 3 in the- What happened?"

Jonah was one of her closest guy friends along with Daniel, both behind Corbyn but that wasn't an option. So it didn't shock her when he instantly knew something was wrong with her. Camryn spilled everything that'd happened and Jonah listened, taking in every bit of information. "I just, I love him, Jonah. That scares me," She wiped away any tears falling down her cheeks, giving him a moment to think before answering.

"Cam, I've never seen Jack look at someone the way he looks at you. You're everything to him, trust me. When we were on tour he was depressed, a complete wreck without you. But when you came back it was like he had a reason to get up in the mornings again. What he said about Gabbie kissing him? That's all true, I asked her. So, Cam, jump. If you get hurt in the process then at least you were doing it for someone you love."

Jonah finished speaking, Camryn gaping at him like a fish out of water. "Damn, when'd you become Yoda?" He snorted, finally getting a small giggle out of her. "Seriously though, thank you, Jo. I'll bring you back something extra special." Jonah grinned at Camryn, motioning her off by saying a goodnight.

Camryn stood up and walked over to the mirror, her hair in salt water waves, and assessed her clothing. A Lavender silk lace tank top with matching shorts, the outfit a little skimpy but after all he's seen her naked, so. Quietly as possible, she opened her bedroom door and creeped out into the hallway, shuffling to the living room. Her heart almost stopped when she saw a shirtless Jack laying on the pullout couch, awake and scrolling through his phone. A light blue quilt covered the lower half of his body, an unreadable expression on his face. Camryn took a deep breath and stepped into the room, directly at the foot of the bed. The floorboard creaking got his attention, brown eyes following her bare legs up.

"I couldn't sleep without you," Camryn shakily put her hand out for him to grab, Jack watching her in awe. He tossed back the blankets in a split second, leaving his phone where it was, and grabbed ahold of her hand. "Me neither," She could feel his eyes wandering her body as he walked behind her, and it took all her willpower not to do the same to him in his boxers. The moonlight hit their skin from the giant window and glass door in front of the bed, shining brilliantly.

Jack paused but took one look at Camryn and started walking closer until the back of her knees brushed the bed. Their eyes never left one another's, her hands gently reaching out to trace a finger down his ab line. Shivering under her touch, Jack slipped his hands under her top to rest on her bare hips, Camryns breath escaping her. She tilted her chin up, face hovering in front of his, and asked for the thing she'd wanted so desperately for over a year.

"Kiss me,"

Lavender ~ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now