The Truth Sets You Free

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Her eyes were glued shut by exhaustion, somehow awake enough to feel it. His fingers traced figure-eights on her stomach with a feather-light touch. She could hear the low whispers as he spoke, barely making out the words. "I can't wait to tell the world about you," 

Camryn smiled sleepily, cracking her eyes open to look down at Jack. He grinned at her bump, talking endlessly. His curls strewn all over, shirtless, in nothing but his sweatpants. An angel in her eyes. Jack's freckles were one of Camryn's favorite things, the innocence contrasting with the mischievousness she knew was in him.

"Me too," Jack jumped in surprise. Mock glaring at Camryn, he chuckled as his phone received a notification. His laugh cut off abruptly, the smile dropping from his face. She sat up quickly and scooted closer. "What is it?" He stayed silent for too long, Camryn snatching the phone from his hands. 


"Oh, no." 


Breaking News 

New photos of Camryn Besson have come to light. An anonymous source shared pictures of Besson at parties, doing drugs, and even a few nude-


"I'm gonna kill her," Everyone listened to her as she rambled angrily from her spot on the couch, the entire crew had come together. "'Anonymous' my ass! It was Gabbie and Jackson, we all know it." She paced the floor, the gang knowing better than to touch her. "What's Lavender gonna think when she googles her mom and sees this, huh?" 

Jack's heart cracked at the pain in Camryn's voice, itching to get up and hold her. "I have an idea," Everyone turned to Eben, the boy shrinking back in his seat. Camryn gestured for him to continue, biting her nails bloody. "Well, they don't know the whole story. So, what if you posted a video. Set the record straight, you know?"

Different opinions broke out, Jack and Camryn locking eyes. A silent conversation passed through them, instantly knowing what to do. "I think I need to talk with Jack first," Camryn nodded toward their room, Jack following her back there. She waited until they were both seated on the bed, her in between his legs, to start talking.

"When I left LA something inside me was broken." Jack stayed silent, Camryn playing with his fingers. "I slept around every night, always snuck out right after. Jackson played on my vulnerability. When I saw how the drugs could numb the pain I wanted to try it," He hated himself for hurting her so badly. "It was never enough so I kept taking more and more until one night I... overdosed."

He inhaled sharply, tears welling up in his eyes at the thought. The love of his life almost died and it would've been his fault. "Luckily, El found me before it was too late. She pushed me into rehab and counseling with the help of Rowan. I got better, Josh helped me break up with Jackson, and I moved back out to LA." 

"But the worst part of this isn't the fact people know," Jack furrowed his brows, Camryn tearing up. "It's that I'm supposed to protect my daughter." She started to sob, Jack tightly wrapping his arms around her. "I'm sorry, I failed. I'm so so sorry," Their tears mixed until they weren't sure whose were whose. 

"Then let's do this, princess."



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