Promise Me

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He played with her fingers from his spot beside her in bed. She was lying in his arms, staring into one another's eyes. Hickies littered their entire bodies along with bruises around their wrists. Neither wanted to get out of bed because then it would be real.
Jack was leaving in four hours.

"Let's go take a shower," Camryn lightly pulled Jack's hand, walking them into the bathroom. They took their time, kissing and making love once before cleaning off. Drying off, changing into comfortable clothes, and getting into the car seemed to go too quickly for their liking.

"Everyone's by the gate," Camryn glanced at her phone once they were past airport security. "Go say goodbye to your family," She pushed him toward his family while she walked over to hers. Corbyn met her eyes with a sympathetic smile, tightly wrapping her in a hug.

"I'll watch over him, I promise." She thanked him, moving on to hug all the other boys. Soon enough it was a half-hour until they left. The families left apart from Joey, Bailee, Tate, Christina, and Camryn. Each girl walked to their boyfriend, saying goodbye's they didn't want to come.

"I don't have to go," Camryn's head shot up, turning to him in surprise. "Maybe the boys could go without me. Or we can rent another bus-" Jack was shushed by her lips gently pressing against his. She pulled back with sad eyes, brushing a curl from his forehead.

"You're gonna go, and you're gonna go without me. Because this is your dream and I love you too much for you to stay." Jack slumped before her, resting his head on her shoulder. "Besides, I have to take care of Joey and Bailee."

Tears were running down their faces at this point, Jack pulling her into a tight embrace. "I'll Facetime you every night. Call, text, even if I have to write a letter. Besides, in two months I'll be back for our Valentine's day then the month after for our anniversary." Camryn nodded into the crook of his neck, pulling back to kiss him.

"I love you so much, Princess." He cupped her face in his hands, pressing one more lingering kiss to her lips. Kneeling before her, Jack gently kissed her stomach. "Take care of mommy until I get back. Don't give her too much grief," Camryn choked on something between a sob and a giggle, sniffling like a child.

"Jack, I love you." Camryn hugged him one last time, breathing in his scent like it was a lifeline. "Have fun on tour, promise me?" Jack nodded somberly, smelling her hair as he let her go. He walked toward the gate, stopping just short of it to turn around.

"Princess!" He caught her attention, dragging her gaze up from the ground. Fresh tears glistened in his eyes, one corner of his lips turning up. "Look under the front seat when you get in the car." At that moment they announced the last boarding call, Jack disappearing and leaving a confused Camryn.



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