Make A Sailor Blush

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New footage has leaked of Camryn Besson and The Vamps lead singer, Bradley Simpson, getting very cozy in the first performance of their new song, Hands, a few nights ago. The Vamps left on their world tour today so it's unlikely anything would come of this flirtationship. But it would seem Camryn has a type.

Men who could boost her fame.

Besson has been rumored with Jack Avery, Jonah Marais, and Daniel Seavey in the past. Is this just another step on her ladder to the top of the music world? An Ex-boyfriend, Jackson West, spoke to us about her.

"Camryn and I were together on and off for four years, ever since she got to Julliard. She'd always been selfish and secretive, she never even told her brother she was in college until she graduated. It wasn't until senior year that I found out she was dating me because I worked with a music producer, who she begged me to meet even though she isn't exactly Rihanna. Then I found out she'd been cheating on me while she was in LA..."

(More on the next page) >


Who is Camryn Besson?

Camryn Besson - A long dating history

The Vamps tell us about their new Album!


An ear-piercing crash sounded from upstairs, bringing the attention of all five boys. By some miracle, the article hadn't yet reached them. Looking at one another, their eyebrows rose in surprise confusion. Seconds later a series of heavier thuds followed with a string of cuss words that would make a sailor blush. Scrambling from their seats, they rushed the carpeted stairs with a speed that had them fumbling over one another.

"Crazy son of a-"


"How dare he-"

Angry incoherent mumbles were heard, not a single sentence finished. The boys covered their ears when an earth-shattering scream shot through the air, one of pure agonizing pain. None of them moved, the sound of throwing having stopped, but now replaced by sobbing. Each of their faces fell, pity reflecting in their eyes. But nobody got the chance to do anything about it since the front door burst open to reveal an annoying blonde seventeen-year-old.

"Jacky!" Gabbie skipped across the wood floor, throwing her arms around Jack who'd come to the bottom of the short line of stairs. The sounds stopped abruptly from Camryn's room, Daniel and Jonah sharing a quick saddened look that switched to hateful glaring at Jack. Corbyn, Jonah, and Zach made short happy looks when Bailee, Tate, and Christina appeared seconds later. The girls all sent disgusted looks at the lip-locked couple, having arrived seconds after Gabbie did by coincidence. 

"Hey, boys." Christina smiled at everyone else, Corbyn looking conflicted over whether or not to go on the group date they'd planned. Daniel sensed his hesitation and sent him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I'll be here. You guys have fun," Corbyn brought his friend into a bro hug, whispering his thanks as he left with everyone else. Daniel stared down Jack with reflecting anger, the boy with curls only moving when Gabbie yanked him out the door.

It had barely closed when Daniel bound back up the stairs, listening intently to Camryn's door. His long fingers curled into a fist, knocking gently on the wood. "Cam, it's me." Silence ensued for a few moments, a hoarse voice speaking up from the other side. "Are you alone?" He nodded before remembering she couldn't see him, a small yes leaving his lips. The door clicked, a sign she unlocked it, but it didn't open. Daniel pushed the door open, gasping quietly at the sight.

Glass in varying shades of purple, white, grey, and clear littered one side of the room. Splinters of wood mixed with the mess, even small bits of plastic. But two things caught Daniels attention. One; A silver-rimmed mirror had been spider-webbed from the center out, a red liquid staining the remaining shards. And two; The small blonde hugging her knees to her chest, arms hiding her face, and blood staining her cut-up knuckles.

Daniel crossed the bedroom in two long-legged strides, crouching down in front of Camryn. Panic shot through his veins, hoping with everything in him that her hands were the only part of her injured. "Cam," He whispered lowly, gently tilting her chin up. On her cheek was a small streak of blood from what would probably be wiping away her tears. 

"Oh, Angel." Slipping his arms under her frame, Daniel lifted Camryn off the ground and carried her from the room. His heart shattered when he noticed how much lighter she was, having carried her in from the couch many times. She fisted his grey t-shirt, sobbing into the crook of his neck. He walked them into his room, then his bathroom, and sat her down on the counter. 

A few minutes later, Daniel returned with his arms full. Using a white washcloth he dabbed Camryns wounds gently, eyes searching her face for any sign of feeling. Taking some gauze they kept since someone was always getting injured, he carefully wrapped up both of her hands. Wiping off her cheek, he then tossed the item into the trashcan and started pulling her hair into a messy bun. 

Camryn watched Daniels face in admiration, the boy too enraptured in doing her hair to notice. His eyes flickered down to look at her, surprised by the look on her face. "See something you like, Angel?" Daniel teased her, not expecting an answer from the girl in what he now noticed was short spandex, a matching bralette, and a pair of socks. Swallowing hard, he adverted his eyes from her belly button ring and tried to keep a blush from rising in his cheeks. Camryn gave him a small smile, blinking tiredly. "Maybe I do," Her smile fell, picking up his phone from next to her and handing it to him. 

"But it won't matter once you and almost everyone else read this article,"

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