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My children freaked out over me changing my hair color for @TheShortHistory 

Tagged: @TheShortHistory | Liked by @WhyDontWeMusic and 1,293,457 others

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TheShortHistory |

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TheShortHistory |

Come check out @WizardsOfAveryPlace in our new movie!

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace | Liked by @JackAvery and 1,208,472 others

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"No! I said twenty tickets, not twelve!" Camryn had her face in her hands, walking back and forth while she argued with someone from the ticket booth at her premiere. "Look, fix it, okay?" Falling onto the chair, she resisted the urge to throw her phone and instead she simply hung up. "I swear, people are idiots." 

Jack peeked his head inside the door of Camryn's office, frowning when he heard her sobs. "It'll be okay, princess. I promise," Pulling her into his lap, Jack rocked them from side to side until she stopped crying. "I'm so proud of you, did you know Lavender told everyone at school that her Mommy's a movie star?" 

Removing her head from his neck with a sniffle, Camryn's watery eyes met his. "Really?" Jack nodded, kissing the tip of her nose. "I'm sorry, I'm just exhausted." She admitted to herself, squealing when he lifted her into the air. "Jack!" He grinned when she finally started to giggle, doing everything he can to bring joy back to her. "Thank you,"

"Forever and always, princess."



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Lavender ~ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now