It Was A Reflex

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WizardsOfAveryPlace |

Go behind the scenes of Singular: Act II now on my YouTube channel!

I want to thank everyone who had a part in helping. Including the boys, who produced and dueted. The girls, who let me use their vocals for back-up. And our kids, who always kept us going. I couldn't have done it without all of you.

Tagged: @WhyDontWeMusic & @WhyDontWives | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 2,082,375 others

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"Why do I feel like I'm doomed?"

Camryn stepped from the shower, Jack standing right beside her the entire time. She'd hardly been left alone since they left Colorado, which was around a week ago. He made her sit down to get dressed, sliding on a pair of black leggings and a grey tank top. Jack helped slip her vans on, tying them effortlessly. She stole one of his purple merch hoodies, her hair pulled back into a bun. 

"Would you hush? You'll be just fine," Jack scolded Camryn, leading her downstairs. Asher was seated with his Aunt Ashley in the living room, putting their shoes on. "Hey! Ready to go, little man?" With curly brown hair and wide blue-green eyes, he was the perfect mix of his parents. He already had their sass, that's for sure. Asher grinned toothily at his mom and dad, thudding across the carpet. "Thanks for watching him while we got ready, Ash."

"No problem," Ashley kissed her nephew on the forehead, wiping away her lipstick mark. "Let me know what you guys find out, okay?" Camryn hugged her sister goodbye, promising to keep her in the loop. "Love you guys, be safe!" All four of Asher's siblings were at school, whereas his daycare was closed for the day. Asher held hands with his mother on their way out to the car, fastening into his seat.

"Come on, let's get this over with."



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