It's Your Job

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Lips attacking her neck, she struggled under his weight. He smirked against her skin, knowing she desperately wanted to return the favor. But, with his hand holding both wrists above her head, she couldn't. His other hand slipped up the front of her skirt, hooking in the waistline of her panties. Biting the smooth flesh of her collarbone, he pushed the material down her thighs the best he could.

"You're so gorgeous," Jack lifted her up onto the counter by her ass, continuing his assault all the way down her body. Bunching up the stretchy fabric of her skirt around her waist, he slid two fingers inside of her. Camryn moaned loudly, placing a hand over her mouth to muffle her sounds. "No no, I want everyone to hear how good I make you feel."  

Camryn loved everything about Jack, but he had certain physical features she liked more than anything. His nose hoop or how he let her play with it sometime's before bed. Every single tattoo covering his muscular body. The curls, oh those curls. His hands, especially wrapping around her throat. Jack's big, beautiful brown eyes that rest under thick long lashes. She died whenever he looked up through them while eating her out. 

Like now.

"Fuck," She cried out, arching her back off the marble counter. Camryn could feel him smirk against her clit, tugging on the ends of his hair. Jack palmed her breasts with one hand, the other servicing her along with his mouth. "I swear you get better each time," She laughed breathlessly, his chuckle sending vibrations through her core. Swearing in a long string, Camryn came all over his tongue. 

Jack also loved everything about Camryn, but she had certain physical features he liked more than anything. Her beautiful blonde hair, how good it looked at any length. Those big red lips wrapped around him. How her breasts pushed out of almost any article of clothing she wore. Camryn's wide and falsely-innocent eyes, staring up at him whenever she sucked him off.

Also, like now.

"Babygirl," Jack moaned, tender under her touch. She wrapped her acrylic's around what part of him she couldn't reach. "Shit," He swore when Camryn deep-throated him, his tip hitting the back of her throat. After years of this, she finally knew how to avoid gagging. Camryn swirled her tongue around the top, enjoying his salty taste. "Stop-"

She knew he'd tell her when he was about to release, just like he did this time. There were occasions when he wanted just a quick blow, but most of the time he wanted to be inside of her. And this lust-filled anniversary was no different.

"Bend over, baby girl." She bent over the counter-top, his hands massaging her backside. Camryn yelped over a sharp sting, Jack wrapping one hand around her throat from behind. "You should know better than to tease me." He growled in her ear, giving no warning when he plunged inside of her. Screaming his name, she clawed at his arm for something to hold her steady other than the slippery counter.

Even after five kids, Jack always managed to fill her out. Camryn whimpered quietly, desperately wanting him to move. He sensed her impatience, rolling his hips back and forth at a slow but steady pace. Jack swore loudly, neither of them paying attention to the pounding on the bathroom door. That was until a key slid inside of the lock, Jack pushing her inside of the nearest stall with their clothing in his arms.

Camryn's panties were tucked into Jack's pants pocket, not having worn a bra. Her skirt was pushed up to her waist and her top shoved down to expose her chest. His shirt was completely undone and untucked, same with his belt and zipper, while his boxers were still on. Jack had his hand covering Camryn's mouth, watching through a crack in the stall. 

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