Don't Want It Back

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It was impossible to hide Jacks condition from Corbyn, let alone anyone else at the party. He was outraged when Zach told him what happened, instantly fawning over his twin and threatening to go after Jackson, to which she looked at Jack and said: "Uh, it's handled."

Camryn went around the party, greeting all of her guests and thanking them for coming. Her family was spread out across the room, but unbeknownst to them, her mom was watching Camryn and Jack interact with a secretive smile. Whether it was longing glances when the other wasn't looking, seemingly finding a way to touch each other all the time, or simply just their disposition around one another. Camryn was terrified of the fact Jack would be hearing the song she wrote for him in just a few minutes from now, but it was too late to go back now. Jack and the other boys had a table directly in front of the stage, along with family and anybody's significant others.

The lights dimmed down, allowing Camryn to walk onto the stage and stand in front of the mic. Her heart was beating out of her chest as the intro to 'Don't Want It Back' was about to start playing. It was as if he knew how terrified she was, for Jack, who was sitting the closest to the stage, tapped the chorus to You're The One That I Want on the back of his chair. Camryn calmed instantly, opening her mouth without hesitancy.

You Are The Voice Inside My Head

Something So Real Is Hard To Find

I Know, I Know (I Know, I Know)

I Know, I Know (I Know, I Know)

I'll Hold You Tight, Remove The Air

No Space Between, I Want You Here

I Know, I Know (I Know, I Know)

Baby, You're Home

Jack took an unnoticeable sharp intake of breath, watching Camryn's eyes close as she got into the feelings of her song. Her hips started to sway so small that you had to watch closely, something Jack was doing in awe, or else you missed it. His chest ached with a longing to hold her, to feel her words sang against his skin. To hear her laugh when he squirmed under her touch from his hyper-ticklish body.

Headfirst, I Dive

Won't Wait For Time

We're Livin' For Time

You Give Me A Reason To Feel What I Feel

When Everything Is Under Attack

You Got My Heart, I Don't Want It Back

You Might Be The Answer To All Of My Fears

When Everything Is Under Attack

You Got My Heart, I Don't Want It Back

(Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh)

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