Little Bean

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(Three days ago)

"You think I don't know how old we are? That I don't realize how hard this is? I'm gonna say this once. You have an out. If you don't want to be a part of our babies life, then don't be. But if you want to be in it then I need to know now, I don't want there to be another woman. So choose, Jack."

Because I hope you choose us.


El frowned as she listened to Camryn sob from the other side of the door. The girl took breaks to throw up then go back to crying, each sound breaking El's heart. It seemed as though Camryn's 'morning sickness' was more of an all-day thing. Josh stood next to his wife and embraced her, a look of pity on his face. "I can still break the door down," She chuckled sadly, shaking her head.

"I don't know how to help her, you know? We were already married so I knew you would be there. Zach and Bailee have each other," Josh kissed the side of El's head, squeezing once before letting go. El furrowed her brows when she heard the front door open and close, Josh taking Camryn's jeep. 

Camryn took one last look in the mirror before standing up and walked outside of her room. Throwing open the bedroom door, El jumped when Camryn came face to face with her. "Yeesh, you scared me half to death." 

"Yeah, well, I think it's time I made an appointment so I can get an ultrasound before I tell my family."

El watched while Camryn walked over to her laptop and searched numbers, dialing before she could blink. The blue-haired mom waddled downstairs to her temporary room, laying down under the sheets. Exhaustion in her limbs, Camryn hung up her phone and tiptoed downstairs into the living room. 

She froze at the sight of Jack and Josh standing there, hand turning to stone on her stomach. Josh looked between the two, patting the other boy on the shoulder. "I'm, uh, gonna go get some sleep with El. You two, talk." He shot Camryn a look, the girl rolling her eyes as he passed.  She gestured for him to sit down on the couch, gingerly sitting down in a chair beside him.

"You okay?" Jack frowned at her as she winced in pain, resting a hand on her ribs. "The, uh, vomiting hurts my ribs." He stood up quickly and snatched a blanket to drape it over her body, the girl watching him in surprise. 

"Josh is a surprisingly scary person, you know?" Camryn gave him a dry laugh, clutching her ribs with another wince. "I'm breaking up with Gabbie first thing tomorrow morning." Her jaw fell open in surprise, bringing a small smile to his lips. "This baby, our baby, is the only thing that matters to me besides you. I love you, Camryn, and I love whoever this little bean's gonna be."

"Please don't nickname our child after my brother," Jack laughed and scooted closer to her, pausing his hand mid-air. "You can touch my stomach, J." Camryn smiled amusedly, lifting her shirt in the slightest. His warm and calloused hand rest on her tummy, tears tickling his eyes. 

"Jack, I don't know if I'm ready to be with you yet. I need to know that I can trust you," She wished she could've been strong enough to handle the thought of him hurting her again, but she wasn't. Jack seemed to get that though, nodding silently. 

"Okay, in the meantime I'm gonna prove to you that you can. Then, we can tell everyone who the father is." Camryn flattened her lips in fear, suddenly remembering that people would want to know who the father was. 

"Alright, but for now, we have a doctors appointment tomorrow."


"Man, you don't realize how insane a girl is until you break up with her."

Camryn laughed loudly as Jack walked into the room, fixing her hair at her bathroom vanity. "J, I could've told you how crazy she was about a year and a half ago." He walked over and took Camryn's hair out of her hands, starting to braid it in two dutch braids. She smiled as he nimbly yet expertly plaited her blonde strands.

"I love doing your hair," He secured it with two black bands, locking eyes in the mirror. "It always smells like lavender, like you." Kissing the top of her head, he took a deep breath in and pulled away. "Come on, let's go get you dressed."  

Camryn tugged on a pair of jeggings, jeans were too uncomfortable right now, and a purple Julliard sweatshirt. She tried to argue when Jack bent down in front of Camryn and slid her converse on, but he shot her one look and she shut up. "Fine, but you really should save that until I can't see over my stomach." 

"I'm going to do it the entire time, princess. Get used to it," Jack took her keys and led them downstairs, opening each door for her on the way. She smiled at the ground while climbing into the car, fiddling with the radio. A grin stretched across her lips when she heard what song was playing, Jack chuckling at her. Jack snatched her hand and held it on his thigh, singing Don't Change right to her.

Don't Change

Every Part Of You Is Just Right, Don't Change

Not A Single Curve Or One Line

So Why Cover Up Your Flaws 

When They Make You Who You Are?

All I'm Tryna Say Is Don't Change 

He placed his palm on her stomach for the slightest second while singing, winking at her. She giggled at his antics, resting her hand in the middle for him to grab. Jack did just that and kissed her knuckles as he pulled into the parking lot. Camryn looked up at the building and let out an anxious breath, Jack doing the same before opening his door then hers. Grasping Jacks hand, Camryn let him lead her into the office and up to the front desk. 

"Camryn Besson,"

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