First Off, You Guys Disgust Me

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 It seemed as if Christina, Tate, Bailee, Joey, and the boys had moved into Camryn's house with her since they were almost always there. Heck, they each even had their own 'rooms' with portions of their stuff there. Some had to share rooms but it turned out alright. That being said, they were also there when Camryn was running around the house like a tornado in the summer of Oklahoma. 

"What the- woah!" Joey ducked from a flying purple Converse, the shoe smacking right into Bailee instead. The girl blinked in surprise, looking down at where the sneaker had fallen before looking back up to make sure it actually happened. "Hey!" Bailee crossed her arms over her chest with a pout, everyone else in the house coming up to the top floor, Camryn's level. 

"Z, Camryn hit me in the chest with a shoe!" A small amused smile playing on his lips, Zach wandered over and wrapped his girlfriend in a hug. The boys all dodged flying objects, the girls using them as shields. "Cam, can we please not hit my girlfriend in the boobs? I kinda like them," Bailee smacked him in the chest, giggling under her breath when he placed a kiss on her cheek. 

"Okay, first off, you guys disgust me. Second, nobody would keep getting hit if they would stay out of my way. And three, where the hell is my duffle bag?" Camryn curled her lips in distaste, disappearing into her bathroom for a moment before reappearing with her arms full. Tossing everything on her already full bed, everyone watched her with wide eyes. 

Jack waltzed right into Camryn's bedroom and into her walk-in closet, Corbyn furrowing his brows in confusion along with everyone else. "Bro, what're you doing?" He exited a few seconds later with a large black duffel bag in his hands, sitting it on a desk. "Here," Jack and Camryn both looked at the crowd that'd been staring. "What?"

"How'd you know where it was?" Tate questioned Jack, eyes flickering between the pair. "Um, I took a guess. The closet made sense," Everyone flipped their eyes back to Camryn who still hadn't explained why she was freaking out. "Anyways, you gonna explain why you're running around like Zach when he hears we're going to chipotle?" Both Camryn and Zach shot a glare in Jacks direction, the blonde girl taking a moment and directing everyone to the smaller living room next to her room. 

"When I was in New York I had a job at a tattoo shop and the owners are my close friends. Well, they called. They were going to fly out and surprise me. Which would be great if she hadn't just been admitted to the hospital in Colorado because SOMEBODY LET A PREGNANT WOMAN FLY IN HER THIRD TRIMESTER!"

Everyone covered their ears when she shouted, pacing the room and running her fingers through her hair. "Now, I'm gonna drive down and pick them up so I can bring them back here until she has Elliot." Camryn walked back into her bedroom, everyone following again. 

"Cam, you can't go by yourself. That's like a days drive at least," Corbyn worried over his sister as she packed her bags. Jack waited for a split second, looking at Joey who seemed to be having the same thought, and spoke for the both of them. "Joey and I can go with her," Corbyn furrowed his eyebrows as to why Jack would even want to go. "Well, you guys already have plans but Joey and I don't." 

"I don't need anyone to co-"

"Camryn Melanie Besson, they're going with you or I'm calling mom." Camryn and Corbyn stared each other down, having a silent conversation where she eventually gave in with a roll of her eyes. "Fine, go pack your bags. It's a good thing I still have my hippie van," She muttered the last part under her breath, Jack and Joey leaving to do as told. 

"You guys better get going too or you'll miss the flight." Hugging her brother, she took turns with everyone else. They were going on a week-long trip to the Bahamas, a couples thing. Well, except for Daniel. He was going on a vacation with his family. "Be safe, sis," Corbyn yelled out the car window as he drove away, Camryn yelling the same thing back.

Running back upstairs, Camryn slipped on a pair of soft denim shorts and a rusty red shirt with two white stripes on each long-sleeve. After shoving her feet into a pair of brown Birkenstocks and grabbing both of her bags Camryn locked each door, making sure her sister would babysit the house from over the phone. 

"Hey, Fillmore." Camryn grinned fondly at her faded yellow Volkswagon van, tossing her stuff in the back. It had been stocked with camping supplies, even a tv, and a pullout couch inside. Honestly, she had no idea what all was in there. She simply climbed into the driver's seat, pinned her hair in a bun, and started driving toward the Why Don't We house.

Joey had moved in after Camryn left, harboring a small crush for Daniel he secretly reciprocated. It worked out well since Bailee also moved in there, sharing a room with Zach. Everyone lived close to one another and that was how they liked it. So when Camryn pulled into the driveway both Jack and Joey came out. Like siblings, Jack and Joey played a quick game of rock paper scissors to see who took the first shift in the passenger seat.

Joey won.

JoeyKingMe |

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JoeyKingMe |

Jeez, you make one wrong turn and suddenly you're demoted to the backseat. It's not my fault Jack kept touching the radio. Hasn't he ever heard the rule? Driver picks the music, shotgun shut their cakehole.

#MomAndDad #ImInTimeOut #Rude 

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson & @JackAvery | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 1,943,723 others 

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