Are You Sure?

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Back slamming against the wall, he made quick work of the skirt and shirt she wore to leave them in a pile on the floor. She whimpered over the assault on her neck, chest, and stomach from his lips. Her skin was sure to be bruised in the morning but that's what he was going for. Seeing his marks on her skin only made sure everyone knew she was his. Hell, she loved it just as much as he did.


"What'd you call me?" His growl was animalistic, shooting straight into a standing stance. One hand wrapping around her throat, Jack applied just enough pressure to let her know he was in charge tonight. "Answer me or get punished," Jack's eyes pierced her, sending the realization that she could talk.

"Daddy," Camryn corrected herself, almost wanting to defy him. Jack could see it in her eyes, both pissing him off and turning him on even more. She slowly licked her lips to capture his gaze, grabbing a scrunchie from the table beside them. He watched with hooded eyes as she pinned her hair into a high-ponytail, resisting the urge to grab it and push her onto her knees. "Well?" Camryn sassed him, smirking cockily.

Instead of answering, Jack seized her by the hips hard enough they'd leave bruises. He lifted her up and carried them over to their bed, tossing her on the edge. "Bend over," Camryn bent over his lap so her ass was in the air, shivering when he trailed his hand along the line of her thong. "Count for me, out loud." Jack raised his hand and dropped it on her unblemished skin, Camryn jumping involuntarily.

"One," Warmth spread across her backside, Jack taking a quick second to admire his handprint. Another crack sounded through their room, making her gasp in pleasure. "Two," He could feel her wetness on his pants, only spurring him on. "Three," Camryn moaned out, Jack smirking at the sound. "Four," She swore under her breath, grinding down onto his leg. Jack reached out to still her, sending her a nonverbal warning. "Sorry, Daddy." Biting down on his bottom lip, Jack knew neither of them would be able to take much more. "Five,"

Jack pulled her to straddle him, wrapping both legs around his waist. "Kiss me, baby girl." Camryn obliged instantly, roughly slamming her lips on his. Her hands tugged on the ends of his curls, his palms gently massaging her tender ass. Slipping his tongue into her mouth, Jack explored every inch as if it were muscle memory. Making sure he had a grip on her, he carefully reversed their roles so that she was lying on the bed. "God damn, you're so fucking gorgeous."

Camryn could feel her cheeks flush when he complimented her, Jack grabbing the hem of her panties. She kept his gaze while he slid them off, carelessly throwing them. "Look at you," Her back arched when he unexpectedly kissed her slit. "So ready for me, you're dripping, baby girl." Jack knew how much she loved dirty-talk, telling her what he was going to do to her. "Take off your bra for Daddy. I wanna see every inch of you,"

Reaching behind her to unsnap the clasp, she tossed the black lace away. Camryn didn't know how it was possible but Jack's eyes darkened even more, savagely sucking on her breasts until she was quivering. "Fuck, Daddy." Screwing her eyes shut, she could've died when he slipped two fingers inside of her. Camryn turned into a moaning mess, shaking after she finally climaxed. "Your turn,"

Jack was flipped onto the bed with his wife on her knees before him. She quickly stripped him of his clothing, salivating at his hardened length. Wetting her lips, Camryn took almost all of him into her mouth. "Shit-" Jack cursed loudly, gripping her messy ponytail and watching as she hollowed her cheeks. "Baby girl," Camryn blinked innocently at Jack, looking up through her long lashes. "On your feet,"

Camryn furrowed her brows when he lifted her off of him, shoving his tongue in her mouth. "Come here," Jack brought her onto the bed with him, wandering his hands all over her body. "Are you ready?" She nodded, letting out a long moan when he pushed inside of her. "Fuck," He moved his hips back and forth at a slow but steady pace, one hand gripping her chest.

It felt like Heaven, the pleasure. But the dirtiness also made them feel a little like a cheap version of Hell. Either way, they didn't really give a damn because it felt too good to care. "Faster," Camryn breathed out against Jack's swollen mouth, feeling him pick up the pace. "I'm close," Her second high was rapidly approaching, as was his.

"Me too, baby girl." Jack moaned in her ear, one of Camryn's favorite sounds. She loved pleasuring him, even if it was a handjob in the morning and he was too tired to give something in return. He did the same for her though. Camryn couldn't count how many times he'd woken her up with an orgasm. It seemed to be a popular and widely appreciated way to wake up in the mornings. Or, even in the middle of the night. "Let go for me,"

Camryn pushed herself closer to Jack as she released, screaming his name. Jack came seconds later, his chest rising and falling at the speed of light. He pulled out and collapsed beside her, pulling the covers over their body. "Wow, I needed that," Camryn admitted, earning a chuckle. Jack nodded in agreeance, bringing her into his embrace. "I love you, J."

"I love you too, princess."


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We're thirty? Are you sure about that?

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You are my forever, Princess.

Face masks, pizza, and movies for the rest of eternity sounds pretty damn good to me.

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