Marvin's Shooting Range

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Lavender, JC, Asher, the twins, and Jack were all sound asleep. It had been a full week since Jackson had shown up at the club and it was long enough to make her question if she was overreacting. Hell, she probably would've thought she'd had too much to drink if it hadn't of been for the fact that Zach and Bailee saw him too. But in that entire time span, she'd only slept for a total of two hours. 

Every night Camryn waited for Jack to fall asleep so she could get out of bed. Then, she'd crawl back in just before he woke up. In the mornings she'd take a shower while Jack was busy and then use enough concealer to under her eyes to cover an entire family. By the time she got downstairs, nobody would suspect anything was out of the ordinary. That just left her alone for eight hours.

Pinning her hair into a messy ponytail, Camryn crept down two flights of stairs. A white camisole and flowy matching pajama bottoms with pink pinstripes hung loosely on her body. She'd lost a suspicious amount of weight since the incident, a result of stress, not eating, and constantly working out. Camryn didn't say it out loud, but she wanted to be stronger and more agile in case Jackson decided to show up. 

Camryn wrapped herself in a fuzzy white blanket from the living room, gently sliding open the back door. Sand squished between her paint-chipped toes as she made her way down to the ocean. Sucking in a sharp breath, Camryn looked out over the horizon, silently wishing she had a boat to sail away on. Her mind started to wander, thinking of different ways to protect her family. Then she had it; a gun.

Rushing back inside to grab her shoes, Camryn drove all the way to the nearest Gun Store. Miraculously, it was still open, allowing her to purchase three 9 mm pistols. The guy might've looked at the tiny blonde like she was insane, seeing as she was still in her pajama's. Nonetheless, she still drove home with one in her purse, one under the seat, and one ready to stash in the house. 

"Please don't be awake," Muttering under her breath, she unlocked the front door and slipped inside. Camryn tiptoed upstairs with a gun hidden behind her back, relieved to see Jack sleeping soundly. Falling to her knees, Camryn taped the gun to the bottom of her nightstand. She went back downstairs after finishing her task, a new sense of determination taking over. Confidence flowed through her veins, hitting the punching bag in the basement with astounding force. Camryn pretended the item was Jackson, almost knocking it off its chain. 

By the time Camryn stopped, her knuckles were red and raw despite using boxing gloves. Her breathing fell out in labored panting, using a washcloth to wipe away any sweat. She couldn't get in the shower now since it was close to the time Jack would wake up. So ten minutes later Camryn crawled under the covers beside her husband, facing the wall. Not even five minutes went by before a beeping sound emitted from his alarm clock, Jack stretching his arms out above his head. 

She could feel his eyes tracing her body, brushing a strand of hair from her face, slowly opening her eyes. "Good morning princess," In the darkness, he couldn't see her hands or her eyes. The fact that she was almost bone-thin or that she was losing her hair due to stress. She smiled lightly, yawning. "Morning," Jack just got up and walked downstairs to wake up their kids. Camryn knew the coast was clear after hearing Lavender's voice, jumping up to shower.

With every scrub of her body, Camryn was reminded of what Jackson had done to her. Over a decade, and she still remembered it. She washed as quickly as possible, going straight to her makeup counter once she was dry. Camryn dressed in leggings and one of Jack's shirts, hair pinned into a bun. "Hi, babies! Who's ready for school?" 

Lavender, JC, and the twins cheered excitedly from the kitchen table. "I'll drop you guys off today, Asher can spend some quality time with Dad. How does that sound?" They squealed once again, Camryn jumping when Jack placed his hand on her arm. Jack frowned, losing it once she kissed him. "Sorry, I was just thinking." Camryn tried to convince him, succeeding. Not too long after she was in her Audi with four kids, dropping them off at their necessary destinations.

Instead of going straight home, Camryn took a detour to a small place she hadn't given a second thought despite driving past a billion times. A bell rang above Marvin's Shooting Range as she entered, a burly man with a Marine's tattoo on his bicep standing behind the counter. "Are you lost, ma'am?" His voice was gruff, but kind at the same time. Camryn approached and slid her credit card across the counter.

"The only thing I'm lost on is how to shoot a gun. Can you help with that?"


"How's my goddaughter?" Pinning her phone in between her shoulder and ear, Camryn talked to Gabbie. The younger girl had taken Oliver, her husband, and Sophia across the United States to New York. Camryn had given Gabbie and Oliver her old apartment when they bought their new house. "Good, I'm glad she likes it there. Make sure to take her to the Disney Store, it's huge." Parking in her garage, she crossed the way into the home. "Alright, stay safe and please call me if anything- You too, Gabs."

The kids were still at school, minus Asher, who was sleeping soundly upstairs. Camryn thought Jack was downstairs, mixing some new sounds for the band's music. Otherwise, Camryn wouldn't have gotten on the ground and reached under her nightstand. She pulled out a round of ammo from her purse that she'd purchased from the surprisingly nice Marine and loaded her gun. Camryn really wished she'd heard the footsteps before his voice.

"Camryn Melanie Avery, what the hell is that?"

"Ah, shit."









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