Mamma Mia

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Hey guys! Our little munchkins decided to try and come almost two-months early. So we'll be staying in the hospital until it's time. Thanks for your prayers and well-wishes.

- The Avery's (Jack, Camryn, Lavender, JC, and TBA)

Tagged: @JackAvery & @WizardsOfAveryPlace | Liked by @GabbieGonzalez and 2,843,573 others

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"Night-night, Mommy loves you!" Camryn ended the face-time call to her husband and kids, tossing her phone beside her. She'd forced him to stay home with Lavender and JC with the promise that they'd visit every day. But when it wasn't visiting hours someone would stay with her, everyone took turns. Tonight, it was Daniel. Joey and Lennox were with Jack for the night. "Do you know where my tea- thanks, Dani."

Daniel had quite possibly been her favorite person to babysit her. He was the sweetest person alive and always made sure to put your needs first. "Wanna watch a movie? Or do you need a massage? Jo loved foot massages when she was pregnant with Len," Camryn grinned at his instincts, patting the space beside her in the second hospital bed they'd pushed next to hers.

"I'm alright, honey. Just relax. Oh! And hand me the remote," Somehow they ended up watching Mama Mia for what was more than likely the tenth time. Daniel loved it for some unknown reason. Camryn just liked the feeling of someone beside her, even if it was just a best friend. "Thanks for staying with me, Dani boy." She flashed him a smile, squeezing his hand.

"Of course. Now, you should get some sleep. Come here," Daniel lifted one arm, allowing her to cuddle into his side with her head on his shoulder. "We just have to make sure Jack doesn't see us like this or he might beat me to death." Camryn snorted but didn't argue, knowing he might actually do that. Joey, on the other hand, wouldn't really care. Hell, she cuddles with Camryn all the time. "Goodnight, Camryn."

"Night, Dani Phantom."


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What the first shift included - Mama Mia, Orange Sherbert from the nurse's station, and painting each other's nails.

Basically, Camryn's turned me into a girl.

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 2,085,285 others

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"How's my niece?" Christina flopped beside her sister-in-law, working on braiding the blonde's hair. Camryn had been in the hospital for an insanely long four weeks. There was only so much you could do when you're supposed to be on bed rest. She'd taken up knitting and online shopping. Hell, Camryn had basically designed the twins' entire nursery from a hospital bed. "And my nephew,"

Yes, Corbyn and Christina were having a little boy. They didn't plan on having any more kids after that. Bailee and Zach finally got their wish of having one more baby, another girl. Jonah and Tate were trying but also were looking into adoption. Everyone was still making music, it was their passion after all, but it was at a slower rate than before. "They're good, Char said 'Hi Dada' the other day,"

"That's fantastic!" Camryn spoke through a mouthful of orange sherbert, somehow not spitting it all over. Christina simply gave her a look, knowing there was something she hadn't said. "I miss Jack," She scooted closer to Camryn, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Yeah, I get to see him and the kids on Facetime but I haven't fallen asleep in his arms for almost a month now." Fiddling with her fingers, she ignored the hormonal tears threatening to fall.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm here now." Jack grinned from the doorway, a bouquet of lilies with lavender in one hand and a duffel bag in the other. Christina smiled, grabbing her purse and slipping out of the room unnoticed. He tossed his items carelessly on the bed, getting to Camryn in two long strides. She yanked Jack down to her lips, longing for his taste on her tongue. Jack moaned into the kiss, his hand sliding up into Camryn's hair to press her closer. "God, I missed you."

Camryn sighed contently into his mouth, finally coming up for air. "I missed you too, babe." Jack stepped back and grabbed the bouquet of flowers, putting them beside her bed. "Those are beautiful, thank you." Jack reached into his duffel bag, spinning around with an oversized stuffed rabbit in his hands. Camryn's eyes went wide, a gasp leaving her lips. "Oh my gosh! I love him!" Hugging the plush to her chest, she took a deep breath that brought a smirk to her lips.

"Yeah, I sprayed some of my cologne on it." He blushed, scratching the back of his neck. Camryn held out one hand for him to take, pulling him onto the bed once he did. "So, how're our babies?" Jack leaned down to Camryn's bare stomach, wearing nothing but sweats and a sports bra. He kissed both sides, his wife giggling at the feathery feeling.

"Much better now that you're here. They haven't stopped kicking since you got here," The unborn babies smacked against the inside of her stomach, hitting Jack's hands. Camryn sat her stuffed animal on the couch, wanting to hold nothing but her husband right now. "Now, c' mere and cuddle your wife." Jack intertwined their legs, pressed their chests together, and rest his chin on her head. "You know, normally I'd make a comment about your hand on my ass but it's surprisingly comfortable." Camryn mused aloud when she felt him massaging her backside, not leaving an inch of her body untouched.

"I told you!"


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Peter Rabbit, to cuddle when I'm not there.

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 2,024,583 others

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