The Annabelle Doll, Apparently

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"Let's go, we have plans." Joey forced her friend into the shower, rifling through their suitcases to put together an outfit. After she'd pulled Jack aside in Tokyo, Joey and the rest of the gang had made a plan that was supposed to be executed today by the Eiffel Tower. It was the perfect romantic gesture and everyone knew how much the blonde had been looking forward to Paris. That being said, getting the hormonal woman out of bed had been a job in itself. 

Camryns hair was tucked under a red beret, a matching dress with quarter length sleeves covering her until mid-thigh. A pair of white tube socks hit halfway up her calves, chunky red plaid heels with two straps secured on her feet. She loved the outfit, it felt very Parisian to her. Of course, she'd never admit it to Joey or to Bailee. 

"Aww, it's like a little doll!" Joey received a glare, Camryn sticking her middle finger in the air. "The 'Annabelle' doll, apparently." She'd heard the whisper. A shoe flew across the room to smack Joey in the stomach, bending over in pain. Camryn smirked at the successful throw, grabbing her tiny black purse and waiting just outside the room for Joey to recover.

"Took you long enough," She chuckled as Joey appeared beside her, punching the girls' arm. "Where are we going, anyway?" Bailee came up on the other side of Camryn, all three girls hooking arms. Joey and Bailee glanced at each other, not answering Camryn's question. A fact that ticked her off as they left the hotel to an unknown location. "I hate you both."

"We know."


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I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour...

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson & @JoeyKingMe | Liked by @JackAvery and 1,092,843 others

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"So, what're we doing after this?" All three girls were seated by the river with a view of the Eiffel Tower. Bailee had arranged for a picnic to be waiting when they got there, the start of a long line of events. Joey could have wine while the other two drank sparkling grape juice, snacking on cheese and bread in between sips. 

"You'll see. For now, shut up and finish your bread." Camryn rolled her eyes, doing as told. Chatting, laughter, and picture taking had ensued over two hours. That left them to put away their plates, cups, and fold up a blanket they'd been sitting on. "Alright, lead the way, Bailee." Joey held the picnic basket and blanket, refusing to let either of her pregnant friends carry anything.

"This way, goldilocks." Bailee teased Camryn, all three of them laughing as they moved. None of them got to spend time with one another alone anymore so it was refreshing to spend what the blonde thought was going to be a whole day together. "Wha- Hey!" Camryn furrowed her brows when her eyes were suddenly covered by a red blindfold.

 Joey chuckled under her breath, Bailee working on calming Camryn's nerves. "Trust us, okay?" She stood still for a moment, biting her lip and clutching the arms of Bailee. "Okay, just try not to let me fall into the river." An unattractive snort left Joey, the other two girls bursting out in hysterical laughter while moving forward. 

"We're almost there, Cam." She could hear small sounds of rustling, whispers mixing in through the air. Joey left Camryn's side, her voice audible but not clear from feet away. Bailee's hands shook as they gripped Camryn's upper arms. "So, are you ready to look?" The blonde scoffed, receiving a slap to her arm. 

"Ow! Yes, you pain in the-"

Camryn stopped talking as her blindfold dropped, giving her eyes a moment to adjust. Metal barricades corralled fans, a white carpet leading up to a small stage. Behind the stage was the Eiffel Tower, leaving Camryn to wonder how she didn't see any of this earlier. Bailee and Joey grinned from ear to ear.

They pulled her up the white carpet to the stage, Camryn looking around in confusion. "What's going on?" Both girls stayed quiet and ushered her forward, a white stool being placed in the center for Camryn to sit on. "Guys?" She growled after not receiving an answer, Bailee, and Joey standing on opposite sides of the stage.

Words I Didn't Say started playing through the speakers, Jack making his way up a set of stairs leading to the middle of the stage. Each of the boys trailed behind him, dressed in a black tux's. Camryn was rigid in her seat, cheeks flushing red in nervous embarrassment. They formed a half-circle behind her, the only one moving around the stage was Jack.

He came to stand directly before Camryn, the screen behind them projecting the entire scene. Her eyes widened when he tucked a stray hair behind her ear, cupping the side of her face briefly. "If I was your sinner then you were my saint, guilty of breaking your heart." Jack rested his hand on Camryn's cheek for a split second, pulling away to continue singing the song. 

Camryn gasped a few verses later when Jack kneeled down before her. Collective whispers, gasps, and yelps spread through the crowd. "I won't be a sinner but you'll be my saint. Guilty of giving my all," Corbyn and the other three boys took over singing the rest, the crowd joining in per request. Jack reached in his pocket and grabbed a small white velvet box, grabbing ahold of Camryn's left hand.

"See, I can't live without you, I hope you'll forgive it. A world without you is a world without living," Jack sang into Camryn's eyes, opening the box to reveal a beautiful purple ring. Tears sprung in her eyes, her right hand covering her mouth. Time stopped when he looked in her eyes, the fans and the lights fading away until it was just the two of them.

"Camryn Melanie Besson..."

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