She Won't Run You Over

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ZachHerron |

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ZachHerron |

I can't believe my little boy's already a year old.

Your mom and I love you more than words can even describe.

Tagged: @ZCaspary & @BaileeHerron | Liked by @Camryns.The.Besson and 2,034,538 others

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BaileeHerron |

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BaileeHerron |

Little Elijah, I'm so proud to be your Mom.

Happy one year, baby boy!

Tagged: @ZachHerron & @ZCaspary | Liked by @JackAvery and 92,482 others

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"I can't believe Elijah's one already," Camryn leaned into Jack's side, Lavender on her other hip. He sighed exasperatedly, nodding in agreement. "It feels like just yesterday I almost ran over a nurse who got too cocky with me." Jack choked on his drink, the noise getting Lavender to laugh. Camryn grinned at her daughter, blowing a raspberry on her cheek.

"Hold on, you almost ran someone over?" 

"In her defense, Bailee was about to go into labor and he wasn't getting a wheelchair." Joey appeared beside them with Daniel attached to her side, cups of punch in their hands. Jack didn't even look surprised at Camryn's confession. Daniel, on the other hand, looked mildly terrified. "Relax, honey. She won't run you over," 

"Unless-" Jack clamped a hand over his fiancee's mouth, Daniel taking that as his cue to run away. Camryn rolled her eyes, biting Jack's hand. He pulled away with a yelp, Lavender giggling at her fathers' pain. "Chill, I love Dani. I'd never run him over," She pursed her lips momentarily, pretending to think. "On purpose," Smirking at the ground, Camryn walked away with Lavender. Jack watched her go with a dropped jaw, Joey chuckling under her breath.

Lavender ~ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now