Let The Games Begin

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TateDoll |

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TateDoll |

Goodbye, my little couch-potatoes. 

Love you guys!

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson | Liked by @BeautyChickee and 84,395 others

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BeautyChickee |

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BeautyChickee |

I'm gonna miss my girls.

 I love you both!

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 839,934 others 

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"It's just you and me, sweetpea." Lavender sat on her hip as she moved through the house, putting away the folded laundry. Christina and Tate had left early that morning at six, ten hours ago. "And that's everything we can possibly do," She blew out a breath, glancing over at the orange cat sleeping in the living room. 

Flopping into an oversized armchair, Camryn brought one leg so it was up next to her. She sat Lavender so her back was laying on Camryn's stomach, the little girl slouched contently. "What do you think we should watch, hmm?" Camryn clicked through the tv before coming to rest on the second Harry Potter movie. "I read you this when you were in my tummy, mhm. Per Uncle Jonah's request," 

A smile toyed at Camryn's lips when she saw how mesmerized Lav was with the movie. Her phone lit up with Joey's face, clicking on speakerphone. "Do you want Chinese food? Nevermind, we'll be over in five." Joey hung up the phone without allowing Camryn to utter a single syllable. Tossing her phone on the end table beside her, Camryn went back to watching The Chamber Of Secrets.

Lavender ~ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now