He Does

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Camryn ran through the streets of LA, her blonde ponytail whipping from side to side. A couple of her girl-friends had invited her over for a sleepover later that night as a way to get her mind off what happened a week ago. Jack and Camryn had simultaneously avoided each other like the plague since then, much to Jonah and Daniel's annoyance.

Footsteps echoed right behind Camryn as she ran, but instead of freaking out, she subtly reminded herself who it was. For the first time in her life, she had to run with a bodyguard because her fan following had quickly gone up. She figured that out after almost getting mobbed on her last run. On the bright side, it was one of her best-timed runs.

Taking one last turn, Camryn and her bodyguard, Tom, ran up the driveway and closed the gate behind them. "Nice one," Tom nodded at Camryn, the girl flashing him a small out of breath smile as she walked inside, Tom staying out in his trailer. "Thanks, Tom!" With her final shout, Camryn closed the front door and jogged upstairs. Reaching under her bed, she grabbed a duffle bag and started filling it with anything she'd need.

Sweaty from her workout, Camryn pulled off her jacket and then her top, walking barefoot into the unlocked bathroom. Camryn reached into the shower and turned the water on, stripping off the rest of her clothes as she hopped in. Her lavender shampoo and conditioner were quickly put to good use, taking a minute to shave her legs after she'd washed her body. Turning the water off, Camryn pulled back the curtain and dried off with a towel, wrapping the fluffy purple cloth around her body.

The door flew open to Jacks room, causing Camryn to clutch her towel tighter with a gasp. Finally looking up from his phone, Jack did a double-take with wide eyes, covering them with his hand. "Uh, shit, sorry, I didn't-" He stuttered endlessly, turning a bright shade of red.

"Jack, calm down. It's nothing you haven't seen before," The words slipped out of Camryn's mouth before she could stop them, Jacks hand falling from his eyes as they darkened slightly and raked over her frame. Her face flushed in embarrassment, eyes falling to her pile of clothes on the floor where her white thong was on display. Jack followed her view, smirking as he reached down and snatched the article of clothing, spinning it on his finger. "Him, I've also seen this before. I think I'll keep it," He winked at Camryn, heat pooling between her legs as he walked out the door with her panties.

Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw.


Just fuck me.


Her mind still racing with inappropriate thoughts, Camryn pulled on ripped jean short-shorts and a red bandeau. Slipping her feet into a pair of white Birkenstocks, she fastened her hair into a bun with a matching scrunchie and hoisted her black duffle bag over her shoulder. A pair of keys rested in her left hands as she took the stairs two at a time, a smile on her face.

"Hey, where are you going?" Corbyn looked up from his video game, the rest of the boys doing the same. Camryn walked over to her brother, leaning down to peck his forehead. "Out. I won't be back till tomorrow, but I left some food in the freezer. Jonah knows what to do," He nodded in reassurance, snorting at Zach's hurt face. She felt Jack's eyes on her everywhere she went, following her like a magnet. Camryn rolled her eyes, grabbing a few movies from the shelf and stuffing them inside her bag. "Love you, Corb. Bye, guys!" They waited until the door closed to speak up, Corbyn going first, then Zach, Jonah, Jack, and Daniel.

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