Their Spot

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The comments of hatred had finally faded. The pain Jack caused her, however, had not. She only let her mask drop behind locked doors, where she cried endlessly until she eventually passed out. People had tried getting her out of the room, but nobody had succeeded. 

Or so they thought.

 She'd done her best to ignore the urge, but then Gabbie had run into her in the bathroom. Camryn Besson had snuck out her bedroom window at four AM and climbed down the side of the house with a note left on her bed and her door unlocked. The bag Jack got her in Mexico was slung across her back, filled to the brim. Softly jumping to the ground, she dropped her skateboard and hopped on it. 

Darkness surrounded her as she moved through the streets, moving quick enough that her tears dried almost instantly. They left small streaks on her skin that weren't visible unless she stepped under the streetlight. Her sobs were quiet enough that the simple sound of anything and everything drowned them out. A few minutes later she finally arrived at her destination.

Their spot.

She hadn't been to it in over a year but Camryn remembered every detail about it. An unofficial path she had to take to get there, the trees that shaded it, and the one that they carved their name in. The trees were short and interwove their leaves, providing a canopy for whenever the duo would sneak there. 

Camryn's hands started to shake as she approached the spot, laying her belongings down. Moving a couple of rocks to reveal a miniature cave they used to stash things, she grabbed the flannel blanket they laid on the first time they made love. She clutched it to her chest like it was a life preserver, sitting it back down and going through her bag. 

With the knowledge that nobody else was around, Camryn stripped and put on a black triangle bikini with cheeky bottoms. Tossing on a matching cropped shirt with the Ripcurl logo, she stashed everything else in the cove and covered it. She ran down to the beach, saltwater wafting through her hair. 

Camryn loved the ocean air. The way it stuck to her skin, its scent. Everything about it was perfect. But it reminded her of Jack Robert Freakin Avery. Putting her feet in the water made him come to mind, and it was the opposite of what she wanted. So she ran toward the surfboard rental station, thanking the heavens it was open, and got one.

She tied the ankle strap on, grabbed the freshly waxed board, and took off toward the sea. Camryn pushed her body to the point of pain to distract herself from everything. It was a slightly healthier version of the cutting she used to do when depressed. Physical pain took your mind off the emotional pain, and that's exactly what she craved. 

Her limbs and lungs burned after hours of surfing, having stayed underwater longer than necessary after falling in each time. That's the memory that caused her to freak out in Mexico. One night she'd found Jack under the water and pulled him to shore after he'd tried to end it all. That was the night they made their spot. 

As she broke the surface with a gasp for air, Camryn climbed on her board and started paddling to shore. Taking it back to the rental place, she started walking back to the spot. Sand stuck to her feet and legs as she moved through it, pulling back the branch hiding their spot. She didn't put her street clothes back on but instead kept her damp outfit and tossed her bag on once again. 

Camryn trekked barefoot back up to the abandoned early morning street, hopping on her skateboard with a blank face. The boys wouldn't be up for another hour still which let her roam around for a bit. Her hair slowly dried in the warm saltwater air, something catching her eyes that made Camryn pull over.

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